![]() | Tropes and prosulae |
Tropes for Mass chants (both Ordinarium and Proprium) are found in D-AAm G13. Proprium tropes are in NL-Uu 417. Indications for tropes are in the back part (fols. 284 ff.) of D-KNda St. Severin, A II 3.
Tropes for Mass chants (both Ordinarium and Proprium) are found in D-AAm G13.
A troped Gloria is found in NL-SHEERhb 70, fol. 195v: Gloria ... Laudamus te - Dies est leticie in ortu regali .... The first strophe has notation; the others should be sung to the same melody. This trope was known in the Plechelmuskerk, Oldenzaal too.
The well-known Marian Ordinarium cycle is encountered in many manuscripts, among which B-TO 57, late 14th century (see: Laus Deo - Pax Vivis, p. 32, incl. facs.); B-AVERBna IV 419 from Averbode.
Some Kyriale-tropes are in NL-HEESWab 19, Graduale, 15th-16th century, fol. 105v (some of them in a 2 part setting).
A Kyrie Fons bonitatis is in NL-DHk 71 A 4, fol. 58r. And in B-AVERBna IV 419 from Averbode.
A Kyrie Fons bonitatis is in the antiphoner D-X H 112, opening 2nd vespers of Christmas in stead of the Deus in adiutorium.
A Kyrie virginitatis amator inclite is in NL-At 206 A 10, and also some other troped chants (Kyrie fons bonitatis, a 2-part Sanctus O quam dulciter).
Ms F-Pm 389, 16th century Graduale for one of the Franciscan orders, contains Kyrie Fons bonitatis, Kyrie Virginitatis, Gloria - Spiritus procedens a patre venit mundo regnans per aera orphanorum paraclite.
Troped Benedicamus Domino-formulas are preserved in B-Br II 2631, fols. 62r-63r: Benedicamus in laude ihesu, Benedicamus in laude panis quem cristus dedit and Benedicamus devotis mentibus ... O sancta virgo maria / O sancte pater francisce / O omnes sancti et sancte dei. The Benedicamus in laude ihesu is in NL-Lu BPL 2777 as well. A similar Benedicamus with a H. Cross-trope is in B-Br 4860.
NL-Uc BMH 25 contains Benedicamus in laude panis ... and Benedicamus devotis mentibus ... (fol. 86v).
NL-Uc BMH 24 contains a troped Benedicamus with the respond written out in full: Benedicamus in laude ihesu qui sue matris marie benedixit in eternum domino - Deo dicamus in laude ihesu qui sue matris marie benedixit in eternum gracias (fol. 266r).
Ms NL-M OLV 1970 (15th century graduale, O.-L.-Vrouwekerk in Maastricht) has a Benedicamus-trope on fol. 165r.
B-Br 4767 has two Marian Benedicamus-tropes.
The Benedicamus-trope Gaude gaude gaude gaude gaude pater Nicolae is in NL-M Jägers 523, from the Rijksabdij in Thorn.
Benedicamus Domino-formulas with and without tropes are preserved in NL-Avu xv 00101.
Some Benedicamus Domino-formulas (some 2-part, some troped) are in B-Br 1870 from the Claraklooster in Brussel.
Some Utrecht manuscripts contain the prosula Euphonias videns, attached to the responsory Martinus Abrahae for Martinus: in NL-Uu 406 and other manuscripts of St Mary's church, in B-Br II 923 from the Dom of Utrecht, in NL-Uc BMH 39, a processionale of the Buurkerk and in B-Br 4860. It is also in NL-Hs 184 C 3, probably from North Holland. De Goede, p. LI, refers to the melism of the responsory Iste Sanctus in the Hartker-antiphoner.
The Marian prosula Stella maris o Maria, attached to the resp. O Maria clausa porta is in manuscripts of O.-L.-Vrouwekerk in Tongeren, such as NL-DHk 70 E 4 and B-TO 63. The same prosula (incipit only) is in NL-SHsj 216-1, fol. 54v, St. Jan in 's Hertogenbosch.
The prosula for Katharina Eterne virgo is attached to resp. O mater nostra in Utrecht mss as B-Br II 923 (f. 510v) and NL-Uu 406, as well as in NL-ZUa 6, but to resp. Cum bene sydera in NL-SHsj 216-1, fol. 84r-v, St. Jan in 's Hertogenbosch.
Hubertus has the prosula-incipit Huberte presul eximie in NL-SHsj 216-1, fol. 80v.
The prosula Cruciatur ad crucem for Lambertus is in NL-Uu 406.
The prosula Sospitati for Nicolas is in B-TO 63 (177r), and in NL-DHk 68 A 1 (fol. 95r), to resp. Ex eius tumba.
The prosula Eve genus inops et indigum for Agnes is in B-TO 64, fol. 147v, added by a younger hand, to resp. Mel et lac at the end of Matins elsewhere in the manuscript.
The prosula Psallat cum tripudio at the 9th reponsory of Matins for Odrada is in NL-SHda Alem 40/9.
Troped Marian antiphons are for the Laudes de BMV.
Some tropes (among which tropes in Dutch) in seq. Victimae and Kyrie God is gecomen are preserved in NL-Au I C 17 (Victimae with Dutch tropes and the Marian paraphrase Virgines marie laudes with dutch tropes are in NL-Uc BMH 29). See also the NL-M Jägers 523 (Officia propria) from Thorn.
A troped Ave maris stella is in D-Bsb Germ. oct. 190 (from Utrecht).
In NL-DHk 71 A 3 the offertory Recordare virgo has the trope Ab hac familia tu propicia. This trope, is found regularly, e.g. in NL-DHk 78 J 44, f. 105r (Indignationem suam. Ab hac familia ...), NL-Uc BMH 21 (fol. 153r), B-Br II 3825 (fol. 91r), NL-Avu xv 00101. In B-TONGLna V 326 and B-TONGLna V 327 it has the trope O vera o pia o gemma splendida. In ms NL-Hs 184 C 7 this offertory has the trope Avia devia dux nostra previa. Several tropes for this offertory are in B-Br 4767 (one for Mary, one for Anna).
A troped Pater noster and a troped Credo are in D-Mbsb Clm 28546.