B-AVERBna IV 419

Premonstratensian graduale, 15th century. Square notation on red staves. Its liturgy is closely related to B-AVERBna IV 411, and as the feasts for Lambertus and Servatius betray a convent in the diocese of Luik and John Baptist is patron saint, pointing towards Averbode.

Flyleaf: possessor's mark (erased).


Fols A-D: 16th century additions (fol. B: Credo, Nota vera secundum ordinis premonstratensis; Fol Cr-v: Credo: Sequitur nota in maioribus festis (then follows Credo I, rhythmicized).

Fols E-R: Credo, Kyriale (incl. some troped chants: Kyriale Marianum, and Kyrie Fons bonitatis), procession chants etc.

Fol 1: Temporale (intr. Ad te levavi)

Fol 139v: Missa pro defunctis

Then the foliation starts from nr 1 again.

Fol. 1: Sanctorale (de s. lucia); 21r: Translatio s. Lamberti.
Fol. 28r: In vigilia beati johannis baptiste, intr. Ne timeas; fol. 29r: ad summam, intr. De ventre matris.

Fol. 52v: Commune Sanctorum

Then follows the sequentiary (foliation with pencil)

Fol 141r: Seq. Letabundus etc. Further: fol. 160r: Servatius, Salus data gallie; fol. 168r: Johannes Bapt., Gaude caterva; Dominica infra oct., Sancte baptiste; fol. 181r: De sancto Augustino, Ambrosio e Iheronimo, Interni festi gaudia; fol. 186: Lambertus, Laus iocunda lamberto; fol 192v: De s. Martino et translacione eius, Sacerdotem xpisti martinum.
The sequences Fulgens preclara (fols. 150v-152v) and Gaude caterva (fols. 168r-170r) have the rubric Cantores attached to some short verses.

Sanctorale, fol. 17v: tractus Beatus vir qui timet dominum V. Potens in terra V. Gloria et divicie voor Gregorius; en ook voor Benedictus op 18v. Kerkwijding: 21v: na Phillipus en Jacobus.

Fol. 34v: Maria Magdalena: all. Optimam partem. Fol. 49v: Martinus: all. Statuit...beato martino.


Autopsy February 2001
Last change: Fri 22 February 2002