Rhythmicized Creeds etc.

Rhythmicized Creeds

Credo I

See the Graduale Romanum, pp. 769-770.

* B-TO 57, Graduale of the O.L.V.-kerk in Tongeren, late 14th century. The Creed is written on one of the unfoliated folia in the front of the manuscript (see: Laus Deo - Pax Vivis, p. 32, incl. facs.)
* B-GEELdgm Graduale, Dimpnakerk in Geel, fol 154v
* NL-DHk 71 A 3, Graduale-Prosarium, 1530, of the Albanuskerk in Vlijtingen near Maastricht (1530), fol. 124v
* NL-DHk 71 A 4, Graduale-Prosarium, ca 1500, of the Begaarden (?) in Maastricht, fol. 62v
* NL-HEESWab 19, Graduale, 15th-16th century, Groot Gasthuis in 's Hertogenbosch, fol. 104
* B-AVERBna IV 419, 15th century graduale from Averbode
* F-Pm 389, 16th century Graduale for one of the Franciscan orders
* Credo I, together with another Creed, is in B-TONGLna V 328
* NL-Hs 184 C 7, fol 129v (Hufnagelschrift, afterwards adapted towards mensural notation)
* NL-M OLV 1970 (f. 155r), Graduale, 15th century, O.-L.-Vrouwekerk in Maastricht
* IRL-Dtc 100, Graduale, diocese Utrecht

Credo IV (Credo Cardinalis)

See the Graduale Romanum, pp. 776-779.

* NL-Au I C 17 of Our Lady's Church in Amsterdam contains two rhythmicized Creeds
* NL-Au I A 8 (partly Hufnagelschrift, partly mensural notation)
* B-GEELdgm Graduale, Dimpnakerk in Geel, fol 155v
* NL-DHk 71 A 3, Graduale-Prosarium, 1530, of the Albanuskerk in Vlijtingen near Maastricht (1530) fol. 122v
* NL-DHk 71 A 4, Graduale-Prosarium, ca 1500, of the Begaarden (?) in Maastricht, fol. 63v
* NL-HEESWab 19, Graduale, Groot Gasthuis in 's Hertogenbosch, 15th-16th century, fol. 105v
* NL-SHEERhb 70, Graduale of the Claraklooster in Amsterdam, 1496, f. 140v
* NL-Uc BMH 21, Graduale, early 16th century
* NL-Uu 405, noted Missal of the parish church of Lopik, mid 15th century; the Creed is added on the last folium of the manuscript (f. 326v)
* NL-Hs 184 C 7 (fol. 190r, younger hand)
* NL-M OLV 1970 (fol. 165v), Graduale, 15th century, O.-L.-Vrouwekerk in Maastricht
* IRL-Dtc 100, Graduale, diocese Utrecht
* B-Br 4767, Graduale, diocese Utrecht, 1542, fol. 10r (only slightly rhythmicized)
* GB-LEICu 17, Graduale, diocese Münster, late 15th century

Other rhythmicized creeds

* NL-HEESWab 19, Graduale, Groot Gasthuis in 's Hertogenbosch, 15th-16th century, fol. 91r
* NL-DHk 71 A 3, Graduale-Prosarium, 1530, of the Albanuskerk in Vlijtingen near Maastricht (1530), has part of a Creed on fol. 134v, added by a younger hand
* IRL-Dtc 100, Graduale, diocese Utrecht
* GB-LEICu 17, Graduale, diocese Münster, late 15th century
NL-Uc ABM fr. 5: 1 folium, nog nakijken

Besides, NL-Nu 402 contains a two-part version of Credo IV, on fols. 4-9 of the manuscript part. It contains also a rhythmicized version of Credo III (fols. 4-5), and (in the imprint part) of some hymns.

Other chants in mensural notation

The 16th century NL-SHsj 216-2, Graduale-Sequentiarium of St. Jan in 's Hertogenbosch, contains two sequences in mensural notation: Mittit ad virginem for 'In aurea missa' and Preter rerum seriem for 'Missa in nocte Nativ. Domini' (fols. 115v ff.).
The same mensural sequences are in NL-SHra IllLVrBr Codex Smijers from Our Lady's Confraternity; Mittit ad virginem is also in a fragment of this confraternity.
Seq. Mittit ad virginem is in NL-HEESWab 19, fol. 75v; this manuscript also contains a measured Sanctus with trope Qui ianuas morte confregisti (fol. 115r).

Imprint Cambrai, XVI C 4 (Cambrai Cathedral) has two hymns in mensural notation: Conditor alme and Gratuletur ecclesia (for Barbara) (Two Cambrai Antiphoners, p. xxi).

Ms NL-Uc BMH 27 has some 1-part mensural songs: Impleta est impleta est vatum prophecie and the hymnus ad completorium Enixa est puerpera.


R. Sherr: The performance of chant in the Renaissance ..., in: Plainsong ..., pp. 178-208.


Last change: Tue 10 February 2004