Simple polyphony

NL-At 206 A 10 has some 2-part songs, e.g. the Sanctus of church dedication that is provided with 2-part tropes (O quam dulciter) and a 2-part Adoro te in mensural notation; not in RISM.

A Sanctus O quam dulciter is also in NL-HEESWab 19, fol. 115v-116r, followed by the 2-part Sanctus tropes Ab eterno pater.

A 2-part Ave verum is in NL-DHk 71 A 3 (in the back of the book).

A 3-part Ave verum is in B-LVu Theologie 3049H (Schreurs: Anthologie ..., nr 42).

NL-Au I C 17 has a 2 part Sanctus O quam dulciter, Ave verum - Adoro te, Ave pulcherrima regina etc.; a 2-part Kyrie God is gecomen in aertrijck t'onser vromen, and some 3-part hymns; not in RISM.

To more or less the same melody as Ave pulcherrima from NL-Au I C 17 there is a 2-part hymn-like song for Mauritius in B-Br 9786-9790.

A 2-part Kyrie God is gecomen is mentioned in Geering: Die Organa ... (p. 21, nr. 69) in a ms of the Redemptoristen in Roermond (referring to Bäumker 1888, p. 322); this has been tranferred to Nijmegen, (Bibl. Redempt. Nebo, Kast P, no. 3) and is now NL-Nu 402; see RISM B IV 4. p. 1118, also for more polyphonic pieces.

B-Br II 2631 contains a simple 2-part O mater dei memento mei (RISM B-IV-3 p. 115-116) on f. 62v; besides it contains some parts of polyphonic songs.

16th century manuscripts from Leiden contain polyphonic Christmas songs: NL-Lu BPL 2777 and LT-Va F22.95.

A 2-part Christmas song Puer nobis nascitur is in NL-DHk 68 A 1 (fol. 165r).

NL-Uc BMH 21 contains some 2-part songs, see RISM B-IV-4 and Valkestijn I.

NL-Uc BMH 27 contains some polyphony (Valkestijn II).

NL-Uu 406 contains some 2-part Kyrie-chants on fol. 141v, added by a younger (15th century?) hand; RISM B-IV-4, pp. 1129-1130.

D-Bsb Germ. oct. 190 contains polyphony, a.o. Christmas songs; RISM B-IV-3, pp. 328-339; see for the Dutch songs Mon. Mus. Neerl. VII.

A 2-part Christmas song Puer natus is in NL-Uu 416 (Pieterskerk, Utrecht), fol. 189v.

Ms D-EM 4o-18, penitentiale from Aduard near Groningen: on fol. 26c a 2-part Christmas song is written: Ad cantus leticie / nos invitant hodie / spes et amor patrie / celestis, followed by a 2-part Procedentem.

One of the fragments of B-Br II 266 contains polyphony (in mensural notation).

Some two-part songs are in GB-Ob Lat. lit. d 1 and GB-Ob Buchanan b 1 (See Harrison in TVNM 32 (1982)).

Two-part lessons for Christmas are in NL-DHmw 10 B 26, Calendarium Ultraiectensis, psalterium, antiphonarium, etc., 2nd half 15th century.

A 2-part conclusion of the Liber generationis is in B-TO olim 85, evangeliary, ca 1250, from Our Lady's in Tongeren.
And also on some loose leaves of the Luik ordinal NL-TILtf Haaren 14.

A 2-part Gloria is in B-Gu 14-2 (fol. 154v-155r), gradual of Baafsabdij, Gent. A 4-part Credo is in B-Gu 14-1 (fol. 272r) of the same abbey. There is also polyphony in B-Br 4826, Vesperale etc. of the Rijke Gasthuis in Gent (see: Simple polyphony from Ghent, incl. some photos).

Imprint B-Br IV 28 has some Kyriale chants, with a 2nd part added (p. 16: Gloria, p. 43: Credo).

Ms B-Br 4767 has on fol. 187r In omnem terram exivit sonus ... that seems to be in 2 parts.

Ms B-Br 1870 from the Claraklooster in Brussel contains some 2-part Benedicamus-formulas.


* RISM B-IV-3 and 4
* Valkestijn: Organa-handschriften ...
* A. Geering: Die Organa und mehrstimmigen Conductus in den Handschriften des deutschen Sprachgebietes vom 13. bis 16. Jahrhundert (Bern 1952). Publikationen der Schweizerischen Musikforschenden Gesellschaft. Ser. 2 ; vol. 1
* W. Bäumker: Niederländische geistliche Lieder nebst ihren Singweisen aus Handschriften des XV. Jahrhunderts, in: Vierteljahrschrift für Musikwissenschaft, Bd 4 (1888) Lfg. 2 und 3
* Haggh: Simple polyphony from Ghent, in: Un millennio di polyfonia liturgica tra oralità e scrittura, edd. G. Cattin & F.A. Gallo (Venice 2002). Proceedings of a meeting, Venice 2-4- May 1996; see other contributions in the same book
* A. Blachly: Archaic Polyphony in Dutch Sources of the Renaissance, in TKVNM 53 (2003)


Last change: Sun 30 May 2004