Répertoire International des Sources Musicales

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Band B-IV-1

Manuscripts of polyphonic music (11th-early 14th century), by G. Reany.

Sources from Belgium: pp. 47-17 (collections from Brussels and Leuven). No manuscripts from the Netherlands.

Band B-IV-2

Manuscripts of polyphonic music (c. 1320-1400), by G. Reany.

Sources from Belgium: pp. 41-51 (collections from Brussels and Tournai only). Sources from the Netherlands: pp. 309-325 (collections from Leiden and Utrecht only).

Band B-IV-3/4

Handschriften mit mehrstemmiger Musik des 14., 15., und 16. Jahrhunderts. Beschrieben und inventarisiert von K. von Fischer, und herausgegeben in Zusammenarbeit mit M. Lütolf.

Sources of Belgium are in B-IV-3 (pp. 115-116). Sources from the Netherlands are in B-IV-4 (pp. 1112-1130); they are from only a few libraries: from Haarlem (among which the Bisschoppelijk Museum, now in the Catharijneconvent), Nijmegen and Utrecht.

Band B-V-1

Tropen- und Sequenzenhandschriften. H Husman (1964)

Belgian sources: pp. 22-23, Dutch sources: pp. 188-189.

Band B-XIV-1/2

Manuscrits du processional (vol 2 is under preparation).


Last change: Fri 13 September 2002