B-Br 9786-9790 (cat.nr. 435)

Missal, prepared by the ladies of the Munsterbilzen stift for a house of the Teutonic Knights, 16th century (Huglo)

Among many other things this book contains a sequence for Dimpna (AH 37, nr 180; Anal. Bolland. t. VI, pp. 396-397).

There is also some simple polyphony, e.g., a 2-part hymn for Mauritius (facs: Huglo, p. 392, and Schreurs).


* M. Huglo: Les séquences de Münsterbilzen (Bruxelles/Brussel, Bibl. Royale 9786-9790)
* Ridders en priesters. Acht eeuwen Duitse Orde in Noordwest-Europa, eds. U. Arnold e.a. Tentoonstellingscatalogus Landcommanderij Alden Biesen, 12 sept.-13 dec. 1992, pp. nr. 1.2.2
* Schreurs: Anthologie van Muziekfragmenten, nr 38; see also p. 117

Many texts from this missal are edited, a.o. in Anal. Bolland. t. VI; see Van den Gheyn.


Last change: Sun 30 May 2004