Luik (Liège)


* Ste.-Croix, chapter church
* Johannes Ev.-kerk, chapter church
* Lambertuskerk, cathedral
* Pieterskerk, chapter church
* Laurentabdij, Benedictine abbey
* Jacobsabdij, Benedictine abbey

Unidentified manuscripts from Luik

* B-Br 3782, Missal, 16th century
* B-Br 10898-10952 ( 6589, vol. 9), section 12 of the ms (fols. 17-70): Liber Ordinarius ecclesiae Leodiensis, 1489 (CMD-B V, nr. 633, pl. 1009)
* F-AS 417, breviary, 16th century, according to Hesbert's CAO (nr. 115) Saint-Barthélemy de Liège
* GB-DRc B iii 11, Antiphoner, 11th century
* I-Rvat. 3808, Missale Leodiense, 15th century, Oost-Nederland or Noord-Brabant (AH, 53, nr. 79; Kriezels, p. 133)

Manuscripts from the diocese of Luik

* B-Br 11971-72 ( 399), Liber Ordinarius ecclesiae Leodiensis, 15th century (Van Welie, p. 197)
* F-Pm 433, Missale, 15th century
* NL-Avu xv 05005, Missal
* NL-TILtf Haaren 14, ordinal, at one time property of the Jacobsabdij
* NL-DHk 76 E 17, Evangeliarium, 2nd half 12th century, Maasland
* NL-TILtf Haaren 26, partly noted missal, diocese Luik, mid 14th - 15th century


Last change: Tue 19 October 2004