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Choir book with mainly office chants, 16th century. Hufnagelschrift on 4 ink lines. Fol. 41r: De sancto willibrordo episc. et patrono; the ms belonged apparently to a church dedicated to St Willibrord.
96 fols. of which over 30 are blank; several lacunae.
Fol. 1r: Liber generationis sec. Matheum (mode 1)
Fol. 2-4: blank
Fol. 5 ff.: Office chants for Christmas, Stephen, John evangelist, innocents etc until epiphany; then a lacuna and on fol. 11r is Easter etc; fol. 16v Corpus Christi.
Fol. 19r-20v contain office chants for Dedicatio Ecclesiae, starting with ant. Pax huic domui, ending with Benedicamus genito altissimi patris adest nunc dedicatio ecclesie matris domino on fol. 20v. This is followed by Mass chants for dedicatio, with tropes, etc. (fols. 21v-24r): the introitus Terribilis is followed by the Kyrie fons bonitatis; the alleluia verse Vox exultacionis displays an alternatim practice between cantores and choir (phrases sung by the cantores followed by melisms sung by the choir); the Sanctus (fol. 23r) is provided with 2-part tropes (O quam dulciter, written in Hufnagelschrift). On fol. 23r follow the sequentia Altissime Iesu Christe qui dignatus, then a 1-part Ave verum (2nd scribe), 2-part Adoro te (mensural notation, 2nd scribe).
Fol. 27r: several feasts (Conceptio, Purificatio, Annuntiatio, Johannis bapt., Visitatio, Assumptio, Nativitas BMV, Omnium Sanctorum; fol. 41r De sancto Willibrordo episcopo et patrono ad primas vesperas (one-nocturn office for Willibrordus), fol. 44v a mass for him (intr. Statuit etc.), with the sequentia Frequentemus hodie.
Fol 46-49: blank.
Fol. 50: hymns (starting with Conditor alme)
Fol. 51bis
(younger hand): troped Kyrie virginitatis
amator inclite
Fol. 54v: Marian antiphons (Laudes de BMV: Salve regina, Alma redemptoris, Ave regina, O virgo
virginum, Solem iusticie, Ave mirabilis stella maris, Speciosa facta
es, Eya virgo mater, Ave mater misericordie, Regina celi, O regina
celorum, que pavisti panem angelorum, Ave sanctissima maria, Gaude
sancta dei genitrix).
Between fols 56 and 57 is a small double leaf
with (mainly ?) texts of the office for Willibrord. From then on only blank leaves.