![]() | B-TONGLna V 328 |
Graduale Praemonstratense, 16th century, probably from the premonstratensian women's convent De Besloten Hof in Herentals. Square notation on red staves. The ms is rigourously adapted to the Tridentine Reform. Many folia have been replaced by younger ones; many corrections and additions in humanist script, among which on p. 309 a mass for Siardus, who was venerated in Tongerlo abbey since 1617. Almost no sequences.
Fol. 2: A paper is stuck on the folium, containing (in humanist script) a.o. all. Ostende nobis: first Alleluia without jubilus, then the rubric Repetitur et absolvitur protractus, the the jubilus only, then the verse Ostende, then the rubric Deinde bis resumitur alleluia ut supra.
P. 17: a paper stuck on the folium: all. Dominus dixit, followed by the rubric Repetitur alleluia, non autem protrahitur : quod observandum quotiescumque sequitur Prosa Laetabundus ut infra.
P. 105: Holy Friday: [Dum fabricator ...] voce magna tradidit spiritum et ecce velum templum scissum est et monumenta aperta sunt terremotus enim factus erat magnus. quia mortem filii dei clamabat mundus se sustinere non posse aperto ergo militis lancea latere crucifixi domini exivit sanguis et aqua in redempcionem salutis nostre.
P. 236: Waldetrudis, younger addition, no proper chants.
Pp. 335: The Gloria Marianum has pieces of paper stuck over the tropes; it is still visible that the rubric cantrix was written over the tropes.
Pp. 336 and 336: Credo I and another Creed, rhythmicized.
Corthouts: Inventaris ..., pp. 27-28 (nr. 45).