![]() | NL-Hs 184 C 7 |
Graduale, ca 1300-1350 (probably near mid 14th century). Fol 2:
Incipit graduale secundum ordinem et dispositionem ecclesie
sancti sepulchri; this in all probability indicates (according to
Louise van Tongerloo) that it follows the liturgy of the Basilica
S. Sepulchri in Jerusalem.
Hufnagelschrift on red staves.
According to the Byvanck-genootschap the manuscript contains the use of the Hospitallers of St John. According to Gisela Gerritsen-Geywitz and Rob Dückers the penwork (esp. within the eyes of the initials) resembles some Utrecht manuscripts, e.g. NL-Uu 418 and NL-Uu 407 (compare for instance NL-Hs 184 C 7, fol 70r, with NL-Uu 418, fol. 52r). From the contents it seems that Katherina, Johannes Baptist (and perhaps Nicolas) functioned as patron saints. All together this points towards the Balije St Catharina in Utrecht. The rubric on f. 50 referring to the convent's gasthuis (see below) also points towards the Balije St Catharina, as this was the only Hospitaller convent that ran a hospital (T. van Bueren: Tot lof van Haarlem, p. 76).
Wüstefeld (p. 17, note 34) incorrectly suggests that it is from France, and that it might have belonged to the chapel of the H. Grave in Bavokerk Haarlem.
Penwork with exotic birds and other animals: fols. 2r, 15v, 60v, 68v, 70r, 72v, 84r, 103v etc. In the initials: fol. 2: angels; fol. 15r: a man with a fiddle; fol. 60v: a man with a bag pipe; fol. 68v: a man with a bird; fol. 70r: a woman with a tambourine (?); see also fol. 73r, 84r, 94r, 98r.
Fol. 42r: Prior vel hebdomadarius aut unus ex maioribus qui illa hebdomada, fol. 43v: Cantor et sociis eius; fol. 44v: aliqui fratres vel presbiteri intrant duo ad minus vel iiii ad plus; fol. 50r-v: a long rubric on the care for the poor in Maundy Thursday (... fratres et confesti (?) cum ceteris fratribus domus hospitalis ...).
1v: Asperges me etc.
2r: Temporale. Advent (fol. 13v: grad. Benedictus dominus deus israhel to the melody of a tract); 26v: tr. of 3 verses: Dixit dominus mulieri chananee ... Et illa dixit ... Ait illi ihesus o mulier magna est; 42r: Palm Sunday (44v: Gloria laus with a strange melody); 59r: Easter procession chants.
84r: Church dedication
84v: Sanctorale. 91r: Georgius; 99r: alleluia Vox sancti bartholomee; 94r: Johannes Baptist (with penwork); 98r: Assumption (with penwork)
104r: Commons
120v: In sollempnibus commemorationibus beate marie intr. Salve sancta, grad. Benedicat et venerabilis, all. Virga Yesse and O consolatrix, off Recordare virgo (with, written in the margin of fol. 121v, a trope text: Avia devia dux nostra previa nos tua agmina libera domina o rosa non rosa venusta formosa conserva regina servos a ruina aurea aurora et stella decora extrema in hora eterna perora gaudia o pia maria nobis; for the music see fol. 191v); off. Ante thronum trinitatis, comm. Ave regina celorum matris regis angelorum.
121v: De sancta katherina (alleluia O katherina tu regis filia costi virgo tam sancta vere celica nosti gaudia digne te venerantes funditus audi clemens exaudi nos ad te vociferantes)
122r: Kyriale chants. 129v: Credo I, the notation has been adapted towards mensural notation.
130r: Sequentiarium, starting with Congaudent angelorum;
Fol. 135v Silvester seq. Laus eterna sit
deo totius fonti bonitatis; 137v: In octava epyphania
Maiestati sacrosancte ... Sic versetur; 149r
Divisio apostolorum seq. Celi
ennarant gloriam dei; 160r: De thebeis militibus Maiestati
sacrosancte ... De triumpho thebeorum; 162r Simon
et Juda seq. Hac in die letetur chorus fidelis alleluia.
NB: 14v: three sequences for John Baptist:
Adest dies recolenda, Letabundus baptiste and
Vox clamantis in deserto; 155v: 2 sequences for Johannis
decollatio: Psallite regi nostro and Inter natos
mulierum; 164r three sequences for Katherina
Gloriose virginia votiva (vacat), Psallat nostra
contio, Katherina virginis. Fol. 166r: two sequences for
Nicolas: Congaudentes exultemus (with the
addition vacat) and Salve pater et patrone
Some of the sequences bear a remark saying that part of the strophes are to be sung during the octave.
172r: younger additions. Among these: 173v De s. Georgio seq. Salvatorem concordi laudemus; 179v Hieronymus seq. Summi principis sophya; fol. 181r De patriarcharum seq. Letetur ecclesia recolens solempnia patriarcharum dya; 183r Cordula seq. Collaudando iubilemus iubilando decantemus; 184r Simon and Jude alleluia O precellens and seq. Hac in die letetur chorus fidelis alleluia; 185v Willibrordus seq. Frequentemus hodie; 188r Barbara seq. Recolamus piis digna.
190v: Inviolata integra et intacta, Credo Cardinalis rhythmicized, Ave verum (1 part), trope Avia devia (see above) with music; 192v: pro pestilencia intr. Recordare domine etc.; 193r alleluia and communion for Visitatio.
17th century addition: 193v: de s. Anna seq. Nardus spirat in odorem.
For Transfiguratio Domini the ms has the sequence Laudes deo dicat per omnia (no folionumber recorded).
![]() | Lijst van handschriften..., p. 9 |
![]() | Wüstefeld: Boeken ... Bavokerk, p. 17, note 34 |
![]() | Its sequences are discussed by Calvin Bower in TKVNM 53 |