NL-Uu 407 (III J 6)

Antiphonarium integrum, 2nd quarter or mid 14th century, Mariakerk, Utrecht.


The contents are basically the same as those of NL-Uu 406. The antiphoner starts on fol. 23r; before and after are younger additions.

Fol. 1v blessings for Matins are added, dated 22 August 1571. Psalm tones are added as well.

Fol. 2r: De s. Adriano (office, alleluia Laude dignus adrianus and sequence In honore martyris sancti adriani)

8r: Visitatio BMV

16v: Alma redemptoris and Ave regina celorum

17r: Primus adventus

27r: Suffragia in summis festis ant. O crux gloriosa, Anima mea liquefacta, Gaudent in celis and other suffrages

32: Beginning of the antiphoner (Temporale)

379r: Sequentia for Lebuinus Lebuine confessorum

380r: Office for Annuntiatio BMV

382r: De tranfiguratione, incl. sequentia Letetur hodie matris ecclesie


Autopsy, July 2002
Last change: Mon 20 October 2003