![]() | NL-SHsj 216-1 |
Intonation book for the cantor, for both mass and office (but without responsories for Matins); 15th century or ca 1500, probably from St Janskerk in 's Hertogenbosch (it has some feasts for John Evangelist which are characteristic for 's-Hertogenbosch). Probably written at the Gregoriushuis at 's Hertogenbosch. It is at present preserved in the archive of St. Jan cathedral ('De Bouwloods'); it has no signature, but in the (unpublished) Inventarislijst van het kerkelijk kunstbezit parochie Sint-Jan (parochie binnenstad) te 's-Hertogenbosch of the diocese it has inv.nr. 216-1.
Hufnagelschrift on red staves; western chant dialect (?).
Very modestly decorated. The book is compiled of several parts, some of which bear a medieval foliation, some do not. It is provided with a modern foliation in January 2000.
First part (fols 1r-32r):
- Calendar (with many erasures)
- Liber generationis
- Suffragia
- Small tonary
- Psalm incipits, hymn incipits, etc.
- Venitorium
Second part (fols. 32v-111r): Intonation book for the Divine Office (mostly antiphons
and only a few responsories).
Among the saints: Oda, Maternus, Gudula (spelled Gudila, f.
55r), Hubertus, Hieronymus, Remaclus.
Fols. 91r ff.: In commemoratione Johannis Evang., In commemoratione BMV.
Third part (fols 111v-113v):
- Introit psalm tones, Canticum trium puerorum
Fourth part (114r-end):
- Incipits of mass chants
- Incipits of sequences
- Incipits of Kyrie chants etc.
Gregoriaans in laatmiddeleeuws 's-Hertogenbosch, pp. 89-94, and 42-54 (edition of the calendar).