's Hertogenbosch: Gregoriushuis

Huis van de Heilige Gregorius van de Broeders van het Gemene Leven, sometimes called 'Bossche fraters'. Founded 1425 in 's Hertogenbosch by brothers from the Gregoriushuis Zwolle. Their church was dedicated to the Virgin Mary and Johannes Baptista. In 1469 the community was transformed into a college of canons, directly governed by the bishop. In 1623, after some years of trouble, the community was disbanded; their house and their books became property of the Abdij van Berne.

During their flourishing period the brothers had a scriptorium with a large production for other churches etc. in the region.

Manuscripts for the brethren's own use

* NL-Au I A 23, Antiphoner, 1544
* NL-DHk 68 A 1, Antiphonarium, ca 1520
* NL-DHk 128 C 6, Antiphonarium, late 16th century

Manuscripts produced for others

For the St-Janskerk

St.-Janskerk was the main church of 's Hertogenbosch.
* NL-SHsj 216-1, Intonation book, 15th century or ca 1500
* NL-SHsj 216-2, Graduale-Sequentiarium, ca 1530

For the Illustre Lieve Vrouwe Broederschap

The Illustre Lieve Vrouwe Broederschap settled in St.-Janskerk in 's Hertogenbosch.

* NL-SHra IllLVrBr 69
* NL-SHra IllLVrBr 70
* NL-SHra IllLVrBr 71
* NL-SHra IllLVrBr Codex Smijers of the Illustre Lieve Vrouwe Broederschap (the chant part, ca 1529)

For the church of Boxtel

* NL-TILtf Haaren 35, Antiphonarium, 1596-1598, prepared for the Petruskerk in Boxtel (In Buscoducis, p. 140, incl. facs.)
* NL-TILtf Haaren 36 and 37, Antiphoner in 2 volumes (winter and summer part), 1599-1601, prepared for the Petruskerk in Boxtel (In Buscoducis, p. 141, incl. facs.)


* NL-DEURSs IV 7, Antiphoner, ca 1520, probably prepared for Mariënhage in Helmond

In Weiler: Volgens de norm ..., p. 213 (Bijlage), all manuscripts produced by the Gregoriushuis are listed.


* Weiler: Volgens de norm van de vroege kerk, pp. 92-109 and Bijlage
* In Buscoducis, pp. 489-491

Membra disjecta

Some Berne fragments bear a mark of the Gregoriushuis; some of them, however, formed parts of manuscripts prepared before its founding in 1425 (see: De Loos: De liturgische handschriftfragmenten ...).


Last change: Tue 01 January 2002