NL-SHra IllLVrBr 70 |
Liturgical calendar, ferial office and liturgy for the dead; 16th century; Hufnagelschrift on red staves. Prepared by the brothers of the Gregoriushuis. The calendar is in a separate gathering, written by a different hand.
Although the manuscript is now in the archives of the Illustre Lieve Vrouwe Broederschap in 's Hertogenbosch, it was perhaps meant for the canons of St.-Janskerk, as the Broederschap did not need a ferial office.
The manuscript was kept in the Zwanenbroedershuis until April 2000, and was then transferred to the Rijksarchief in 's Hertogenbosch.
Gregoriaans in laatmiddeleeuws 's-Hertogenbosch, pp. 70 and 30-41 (edition of the calendar) | |
Gegeven den sangeren, pp. 39, 61, 140, 173, incl. facs |