Oldenzaal: Plechelmuskerk

After attacks by the Normen, the church of Oldenzaal was rebuilt under bishop Balderik of Utrecht in the 10th century. In 954 he took relics of Plechelmus from St. Odilienberg near Roermond to Oldenzaal. In addition he founded a chapter of 15 canons and a provost.


Almost no liturgical manuscripts are known.

A 16th century antiphoner fragment is kept in Oldenzaal, Oud Archief, Archief Stadsbestuur, inv.nr. 36. Other fragments are: NL-Ua, Coll. Rijsenburg 130 (strips in the Acta Rovenii) and NL-Ua, Coll. Rijsenburg 128.

The missal B-Br 15073 may have belonged to this church, as it contains a sequence for Plechelmus.

In De fundatore ... are some guidelines for the organisation of the liturgy; from (vol. 4, pp. 202-203) it appears that on the octave of Epiphany the Gloria was troped with Dies est laetitiae (De vreugdedagen (dies laetitiae) worden met jubeltoon gesloten).
Besides there is a calendarium-necrologium, now kept in the Schatkamer of the church (for an edition see below; for photos: see Breithbart & Bökkerink, pp. 40 and 47).


* H.J. Lenferink: De St. Plechelmuskerk te Oldenzaal. Vorm, geschiedenis en betekenis. Clavis Kunsthistorische Monografieën XVIII (Utrecht 1998)
* De Plechelmusbasiliek te Oldenzaal, tekst: M.H. Breithbarth-van der Stok, foto's: J. Bökkerink (Hengelo 1986)
* De fundatore ac patrono ...
* Geerdink: Eenige bijdragen ... Twenthe


Last change: Fri 23 April 2004