
Northumbrian missionary and bishop, fl. 8th century; evangelized in the Maasdal (Meuse Valley) and near Oldenzaal. He built a church in Oldenzaal and Roermond (together with Wiro and Otger). Died at Odiliënberg near Roermond.

Feast: 15 July.

On 4 August 954 his relics were transferred to Oldenzaal, and in 1361 to Roermond.

Patron saint of Plechelmuskerk in Oldenzaal.


A sequentia for Plechelmus Laus Jesu Christe is in B-Br 15073. See AH 40, nr. 324, referring to ' Bergense (?) saec. 15' as well. Its present call number is unknown to me, but it seems that this ms has music notation, and the melody of the sequence is Psallite.

The sequentia Ad laudes salvatoris ut mens (AH 9, nr. 371) is for Plechelmus, Wiro and Otger; AH only refers to an early 17th century imprint from Roermond.

An office for him was in use in Oldenzaal; the only source is Officia Sanctorum. This office has many chants in common with the office for Bernardus in NL-DHk 70 E 4 (Fragmenta Tongrensia), fols 107r-110v; some chants are found also in the Commons for a Confessor of the Rupertus office of Vorau, Stiftsbibl., 287 (29) (see CANTUS).

An antiphon Tres viri deo dediti for Plechelmus, Wiro and Otger is in the 16th century NL-SODILpt Antiphoner s.n. of Monasterium S. Sepulcri in St. Odiliënberg near Roermond.

Post-medieval chants are in the antiphoner of the Martinuskerk in Venlo.


* H.S.R. de Jong: Hagiografieën en hypothesen: de heiligenlevens van Wiro, Plechelmus en Odger (afstudeerscriptie, uitg. Slootweg & Tromp Meesters te Rotterdam, 1988). Deel I: Tekst; deel II: Bijlagen
* M. Willemsen: Analecta liturgica de SS. Wirone, Plechelmo et Otgero (1886)


* Het middeleeuws officie van St. Plechelmus te Oldenzaal, Schola Hartkeriana Amsterdam o.l.v. Eugeen Lieven D'Abelardo. Uitgave Stichting Sint Plechelmus 1050 jaar


With special thanks to Guus Goorhuis
Last change: Tue 07 December 2004