NL-SODILpt Antiphonale

Antiphoner summer part (ca 1500 or 16th century) for the Monasterium S. Sepulcri in St. Odiliënberg near Roermond.

This antiphoner contains the antiphon Tres viri deo dediti for Plechelmus, Wiro and Otger.


* Sars in Duizend jaar Martinusparochie, p. 154 (facs.) and pp. 156-157
* zr. M. Hereswitha: De priorij van de Reguliere Kanunniken van het H. Graf te Sint-Odiliënberg (1467-1639), esp. pp. 739-749, for a description p. 739, note 1; facs between pp. 756 and 757


Last change: Tue 30 July 2002