NL-DHk 70 E 4

'Fragmenta Tongrensia' of the O.-L.-Vrouwekerk in Tongeren. Manuscript, composed of several parts, containing (among other things) a necrologium (partly), readings, and some offices for saints and feasts. According to Boeren (see literature) most parts go back to ca 1300 or the 14th century; however, some parts might be older.

The chants are provided with Hufnagelschrift, resembling the notation of Utrecht, Aachen, Trier and Stavelot. For a full description of the contents of the manuscript see Boeren; the parts provided with music are:

* fols. 75-80v: Office for In conceptione BMV Gaude mater ecclesia nova frequentans gaudia, 14th century. Early Hufnagelschrift on 5-line staves drawn in ink (f-line is red, c-line is painted yellowish). The last responsory O Maria clausa porta is followed by the prosula Stella maris o Maria (fol. 79r).
* fols. 81r-86r: Office for Maternus Recolamus gaudia laudibus et votis, 13th century (?). Early Hufnagelschrift on red staves; many erasures in the notation.
* fols. 86r-96v: Office for Corpus Christi Animarum cibus dei sapientia; seq. Laureata plebs fidelis (fols. 94v-96r); hymn Ad cenam agni; two hands: 13th century and ca 1300
* fols. 101r-104v: Office for Bartholomeus Gloriosus dei apostolus bartholomeus vere dignus est honorificandus and hymnn Laudibus dignis resonemus. Hufnagelschrift on 4-line staves (f-line red, c-line yellow; other lines hardly visible). According to Boeren ca 1300, but perhaps older.
* fols. 105r-106v: Office for XI Mille Virgines Gratuletur hodie conventus ecclesie. Hufnagelschrift on ink staves (f-line red). According to Boeren ca 1300, perhaps 13th century.
* fols. 107r-110v: Office for Bernardus of Clairvaux, 13th century (?). Hufnagelschrift on ink staves.
* fols. 117r-121v: Office for Johannes ante Portam Latinam, plus alleluia Johannes hic est ille and sequentia Verbum dei deo natum. Hufnagelschrift on red staves. According to Boeren 14th century.


Boeren: Catalogus ..., nr 3, pp. 6-11.

A CANTUS file is available.


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Last change: Sat 28 December 2002