NL-Hs 184 C 3

Noted breviary, secular cursus. Hufnagelschrift on black staves, circa late 15th century. Wüstefeld (p. 17, note 34; p. 88, note 221) incorrectly suggests that it has belonged to the Laurentiuskerk in Alkmaar. However, the possessor's mark on fol. 1v points towards the Laurentiuskerk in Heemskerk (as is also stated in Heemskerk onderweg, p. 217).

On the front flyleaf (fol. 1v):
Item dit buuck hoert toe die heylighe kerck
Item dit buuck hoert toe die hijlighe kerck
van eems kerck (?) Dye dit vint
betaelt ??
Item dit buuck hoert toe die

A similar note is also on fol. 198r and on fol. 222v.


The composition of the book is quite complex.

Fol. 2: Easter

Fol. 21v: Corpus Christi; fol. 26r: Trinity (Vespers and Matins)

Fol. 29v: Historia de Libro Regum, de Sapientiae, de Job, etc, dominicae per annum

Fol. 38r: In die sancto paschae etc; fol. 40r: Corpus Christi, Trinity; Philippus and Jacobus etc (Lauds only)

Fol. 48r: Communia in tempore paschali; fol. 50r: Philippus & Jacobus etc (Vespers and Matins)

Fol. 57v: Visitatio BMV (Accedunt laudes virginis), f. 65r Martini translatio etc; Pen work decoration: f. 73v: Laurentius (with pen work); 78r: Assumption (with pen work) (Vespers and Matins); 85r: Nativitas BMV (with pen work); 90v: Michael (with pen work).

Fol. 98r: Dedicatio. 97v: In profesto Omnium Sanctorum, 101r: Martinus (incl. the prosa Euphonias), etc (Vespers and Matins).

Fol. 105r: Dominica prima in Adventu domini.

Fol. 106r: Dominica prima adventus

Fol. 109v: Christmas, fol. 124v: Epyphany, 127r: Dom. I in Quadragesima up till Holy Saturday.

fol. 141r: Plange in mode 5, finalis f, verse Ululate

Fol. 144r: Proper of saints (Andreas)

Fol. 164r: Dominica prima Adventus etcetera, Lauds only.

Fol. 170r: Commune Sanctorum

Fol. 197v: Marian antiphons, some of them with verses (Laudes de BMV): Ave regina, Quam pulchra, O virgo flos, Ferculum fecit, O stella matutina, Gaudendum nobis, then ant. Salve regina with verses O virginalis castitas, Supernorum civium, Da virtutes, ant. Regina celi with verses Ave mundi domina, Ave plena gratia, Ave ihesu genitrix, ant. Alma redemptoris with verses Maria virginis, Ardere cernitur, Miratur ratio. Then by a different scribe Marian ant. Hec est preclarum vas.

Fol. 202r: Hymnarium, among others: fol. 216r, Bartholomeus, Laudibus dignis resonemus; fol. ?, Jacobus, Dum poli spera voluit.

Fol. 221r: Hymns for dedication
added by several scribes:
fol. 221v: Marian resp. Vidi speciosam with a mode 1 melody (the 'normal' Vidi speciosam is in the feast of Assumption on fol. 79v). Then follow two or three more chants.


* Lijst van handschriften..., p. 2
* Wüstefeld: Boeken ... Bavokerk, p. 17, note 34
* Heemskerk onderweg, p. 217, incl. facs.


Autopsy September 2001
Last change: Thu 24 October 2002