Marian chants

For votive services also see the Laudes de BMV.

The oldest extant Salve regina of the Low Countries is recorded on a 12th office fragment kept in Abdij Keizersberg.

Among the many chants for Maria are:

Ant. Haec est praeclarum vas

This chants is used as a prayer against the plague, as a votive antiphon with a versicle and a collect.

Mode 5 melody

See for this chant E. Bruning's Cantuale Romano-Seraphicum (1951), nr. 92 (pp. 98-99).

* NL-Uu 421, processional, 15th century
* NL-Hs 184 C 6, psalter, 1480, Laurentiuskerk in Heemskerk (fol. 85r, 2nd scribe)
* NL-Hs 184 C 3, noted breviary, late 15th century, Laurentiuskerk in Heemskerk (circa fol. 200)
* NL-DHk 71 J 70, hymnal-processional, Rijnsburg abbey, 15th century (fol. 183v, 2nd scribe) (Tijdschr. v. Gregoriaans 27 (2002), p. 7)
* B-Br II 2631, song book, ca 1525 (fol. 92v)
* A-Wn sn 12875, song book (fol. 150r)
* P-Ln 3985 FG, processional (fol. 77v, 2nd scribe)
* NL-DHk 68 A 1, Gregoriushuis in 's Hertogenbosch
* NL-Uc BMH 25 (ending ... domina nostra fac nos tuis precibus a peste et subitanea morte et ab omni tribulatione liberatos consortes celestis glorie alleluia)
* NL-M Jägers 523, Rijksabdij Thorn, ca 1600, also with the phrase ... domina nostra fac nos tuis precibus a peste et subitanea morte ...
* NL-Avu xv 00101, with the phrase nos a peste et subitanea ... added in the margin
* D-Mbsb Clm 28546, processional, ca 1500 (?), chapter of Xanten

Mode 1 melody

* NL-DHk 73 E 8, summer antiphoner, Rijnsburg abbey, 2nd half 15th century (fol. 233v, 2nd scribe) (Tijdschr. v. Gregoriaans 27 (2002), p. 6); facs: O florens rosa

Melody unknown

* D-KNd 1063, Dominican processional from Köln (fol. 61r)
* US-W, Dominican convent, ms 1 (fol. 95r, 2nd scribe)
* US-Cn Case 119, fol. 98r
* NL-SHra IllLVrBr Codex Smijers from 's Hertogenbosch, fol. 10r


* Pohl IV p. 348
* RISM XIV-1-2, Huglo: Les mss du processional (for the references of the processioners)

Ant. O flos florum o domicilium

* B-Br II 2631, song book, ca 1525 (fol. 92v)
* NL-Hs 184 C 5
* NL-Uc BMH 24 (fol. 267r)

Seq. Gaude virgo mater christi quae per aurem

* D-Bsb Germ. oct. 190, song book (fol. 65r)
* A-Wn sn 12875, song book (fol. 86r)
* B-TO 57, p. 552 (different melody), used as a sequentia in the Missa de Beata


N. Bisson: English polyphony for the virgin Mary: the votive antiphon, 1430-1500 (Diss., Harvard University, Cambridge Massachusetts, 1998), pp. 96-104.

Resp. Vidi speciosam (1st mode melody)

* D-Bsb Germ. oct. 190
* NL-Hs 184 C 3
* NL-Uc BMH 25

Te Deum Marianum

Several Marian paraphrases of the Te Deum are known. A Te celi reginam is preserved in D-Bsb Germ. oct. 280. A Te matrem dei laudamus is preserved in the song book A-Wn SN 12875, fol 95r, as well as in an Utrecht song book D-Bsb Germ. oct. 190, fol. 62r. A Te matrem dei laudamus is also in B-Br 4860 (for the conclusion of the Laudes de BMV, for a facs: O florens rosa).


* B.J. Blackburn, 'Te matrem dei laudamus. A study in the musical veneration of Mary', in Musical Quarterly 53 (1967), 53-76
* I. de Loos in: TKVNM 53 pp. 38-41

Ave pulcherrima regina

* NL-Au I C 17
* D-Bsb Germ. oct. 190
* D-Mbsb Clm 28546


Last change: Fri 07 May 2004