Pre-12th century neumes

Low Countries notation

* B-Br 14650-59, office for Lambertus
* B-Br II 266, fragment 1, noted missal
* B-Br II 3822 (Fétis 1162), missale, Hubertus abbey (diocese Luik); ca 1100; predominantly Lorraine neumes, some chants with Low Countries neumes
* B-LVak, a missal fragment
* B-LVgbib, SJ X 13, fragments B-C, double leaf of a notated missal, 11th century, Low Countries neumes
* D-KNa W 270, noted missal, late 11th century, Köln or Aachen (?)
* D-Trier, olim fragment Bohn, noted Missale (PalMus, II-III, pl 140a)
* D-X H 44 (Stevenskerk, Nijmegen) contains a leaf with Low Country neumes, probably ca 1100
* GB-DRc B iii 11, Antiphonarium, Luik
* NL-SAGATHAsa, fragment Uden I, double leaf of a noted missal, 10th or 11th century
* NL-D, 99 (shelf number 101 A 20 KL): half of a leaf (30x10 cm) of a noted breviary, probably 11th century
* NL-DHk 72 A 28, nr 60, folium of a noted Missal, staffless Low Countries neumes, more or less resembling Abdij van Berne, LM 1
* NL-DHk 72 A 28, nr 62, folium of a noted Missal, staffless Low Countries neumes
* NL-HEESWab, LM 1, noted Missale (De Loos, p. 85 and afb. 20; Handschriftfragmenten ...)
* NL-M Jägers 254, Graduale fragment
* NL-Uc ABM i 22+23, tonary fragments (Wüstefeld, p. 37)
* NL-Uc BMH fr 1a+b, noted Missal (De Loos, p. 80 and afb. 18, and Wüstefeld, p. 36)

Lorraine neumes

* B-Br 2031-2032, Mass book
* B-Br II 3822 (Fétis 1162) (see above), missale, Hubertus abbey (diocese Luik); ca 1100; predominantly Lorraine neumes, some chants with Low Countries neumes
* B-Gu 244 (S.-G.-, 155) (PalMus II/III pl. 154)
* B-LVap 20, one of the fragments
* Farde Aanwinsten 1995 of Leuven CB, one of the leaves
* B-LVgbib Mechelen 287, one of the leaves

A 10th century fragment of a mass book without notation is kept as NL-D 10 W 7 KL, flyleaf ( 57; 1728) (Stads- of Athenaeumbibliotheek Deventer, 1560-1985, p. 50, incl.facs).


Last change: Mon 12 April 2004