![]() | Liturgical fragments in the NL-Deventer: Athenaeumbibliotheek |
Several liturgical fragments are kept in Deventer Athenaeumbibl.:
The front and back flyleaves of NL-D 112 B 4 KL and NL-D 112 B 9 KL contain sequentiae (texts only), probably for Heer Florenshuis in Deventer, as the books themselves have a possessor's mark from this house (Moderne Devotie: Figuren ..., nr. 103, pp. 281-283). Both books contain the same sequences for the Ascension-Pentecost period (Autopsy July 2002).
Cat.nr. 57 (1728, shelf number: 10 W 7 KL) has as a flyleaf a 10th century mass book fragment (without notation); see: Stads- of Athenaeumbibliotheek Deventer, 1560-1985, p. 50 (incl.facs).
Cat.nr. 71, (1764; shelf number 101 D 13 KL) has two fly leaves (one in the front one and in the back of the ms) of an antiphoner (?) with a 12th (?) century staff notation. The notation is probably French, with curly liquescents; the staff consists of 3 lines (one yellowish and one red). Front leaf: ant. Oportet nos mundum condemnere, back leaf: Exclamemus omnes ad dominum, Parce domine parce populo tuo, Domine imminuti sumus propter, Iniquitates nostrae domine (compare the Worcester processions chants of fols 114r of the CANTUS-file).
Cat.nr. 35 (1755; 10 W 5 KL) front and back flyleaf with a Metz-like notation on a staff of four ink lines. Back flyleaf: Augustinus (resp. Accepta baptismi gratia etc.); front leaf: Augustinus (resp. Misit ergo dominum in mentem etc.).
Cat.nr. 50 (1741; 10 T 3 KL) (from Klooster Diepenveen): the back fly leaf if a (first half ?) 12th century noted missal, with staffless Low Countries neumes (similar to some fragment in the NL-Ua, St Pieter 75 and St Marie 373-4, 341-4 and 341-5), containing chants for John Baptist incl. a sequence (autopsy July 20002).
Suppl.nr. 99 (shelf number 101 A 20 KL): half of a leaf (30x10 cm) of a noted breviary, 12th century, staffless neumes of the Low Countries, more or less similar to group 1 in chapter II of De Loos: Muzieknotaties. Contents: resp. Ubi est Abel (partly), Ecce [...] bonum et malum, antiphons for lauds etc. According to the Supplement it is Deventer binding material, 2nd half 12th century; according to Calvin Bower it is 11th century (based on many paleographical details: m, g, upright d, long final s).
Suppl.nr. 101 (shelf number 101 A 22 KL): two leaves (19x12 cm) of a breviary, without notation. First leaf: Cecilia, Clemens; second leaf: Catharina (prosula Eterne virgo memoria; mainly the same chants as NL-Uu 406, fols. 236v-237r), Jacobi, Radbodi episcopi, etc.
Suppl.nr. 105 (shelf number 101 A 26 KL): breviary double leaf, without notation, 14th century. According to the supplement 8-21 August, to my opinion september (Lamberti, Nativitas Mariae). Deventer binding material.
Middeleeuwse handschriften uit het klooster Diepenveen. Catalogus bij de tentoonstelling van 15 mei t/m 1 september 2000 in het Stadsarchief Deventer van boeken afkomstig van het klooster Diepenveen, nu in de Athenaeumbibliotheek Deventer (samenst. L. Wierda, i.s.m. I. Kok, voorw. v. W. Scheepsma) (Deventer 2000): this catalogue mentions some (Middle Dutch) manuscripts containing liturgical fragments.