Deventer: Athenaeumbibliotheek (NL-D)

[J.C. van Slee]: Catalogus der handschriften berustende op de Athenaeum-bibliotheek te Deventer (Deventer 1892). An unpublished supplement to the catalogue is preserved in the library.

On the history of the library: Stads- of Athenaeumbibliotheek Deventer, 1560-1985 (Deventer 1985).


In the catalogue

* NL-D 11 L 2 KL ( 10 (1776)): noted missal of the church of Herwen and Aerdt, 15th century
* NL-D 11 H 2 KL ( 11 (5396)), Libellus quarundam devotarum missarum, scriptis Delffis apud fratres Carthusios anno 1570 (a Mass book, written in many different script types. copy of a printed book)

Besides there are several Horarium/Calendarium manuscripts, e.g. 12.

There are also several liturgical fragments. 17 (5395): Hijmnen op Zon- en Feest- en Heiligendagen, mid 14th century According to the catalogue prayers and litanies; the library employee could not find the book on 5 Nov. 1999, so we could not see it. 18 (1774) (shelf nr. 101 E 17 KL), part 1 Gebeden, devote oefeninghen, sequencien, is entirely in Dutch and contains (a.o.) Dutch sequence and hymn texts (ca fol. 118-176).

Probably of no interest (no autopsy yet): 126 (33 C 11 KL): Printed breviary. 193 (101 E 27 KL): a book of prayers in Dutch, 16th century; see Stads- of Athenaeumbibliotheek Deventer 1560-1985, p. 31 for a facs. 199 (61 C 14 KL): missal fragment from 1604.


Visit to the library, 5 November 1999, together with Calvin Bower.
Last change: Wed 03 July 2002