D-KNa W 270

Noted missal, late 11th century, prepared in the Rhein-Maasgebiet, perhaps in Köln or Aachen. It was in use in the Marienstift in Aachen since the 14th century.

Staffless neumes, more or less St Gall style, containing oriscus and oriscus groups (salicus, pes quassus), round and square pes & torculus, episemas, etcetera; rarely letters.
Fol. 263r: Kyriale in Low Countries staff notation.
Fol. 264r: Sequences, Low Countries staff notation and staffless neumes, mixed up.


* Federstrich, nr. 14; p. 112 (incl. facs)
* Le Graduel Critique, t. II: Les sources, ALL 3
* Gatzweiler: Die liturgischen Handschriften des Aachener Münsterstifts (1926)


Microfilm view; October 2002
Last change: Sat 19 October 2002