
Up till 50 AD this was the main residence of the Ubii (Oppidum Ubiorum); at 50 AD it was founded a town by the roman emperor.
There were some 4th century martyrs, and quite a lot of holy bishops from the early christian period.
There was a Norman invasion in 881.

Patron saint: Agrippina.

Churches of Köln

* Alt St. Alban, sanctuary since 7th century; later on Pfarrfirche; at present ruin
* St. Andreas, Chorherrenstift from 10th century, parish church since 1803 and since the 2nd World War belonging to the Dominicans
* Antonitenkirche; the Antoniten settled in Köln in 1298
* St. Aposteln, Chorherrenstift from ca 1000, parish church from 1802 onwards
* St. Caecilien, Damenstift, founded by archbishop Willebert, before 881
* St Christoph, from 1190 chapel, afterwards parish church of St Gereon; disbanded 1803, now demolished
* Dom St. Peter, Cathedral
* Domus Corporis Domini, Augustinians (Windesheimer Kapittel), see: Moderne Devotie
* St. Georg, Chorherrenstift, founded 1059
* St. Gereon, small church or chapel since 4th century, chapter since 9th century ('hochadelig Stift' according to Verbeek, p. 48) parish church since 1807
* Alt St. Heribert in Deutz, Benedictine monastery St Marien, founded in the castle Deutz, by archbishop Heribert who was later venerated as a saint
* St Johann Baptist, founded 10th century by the Severinstift, parish church from 11th century
* Kartäuserkirche, founded ca 1334, church dedicated to St Barbara, several chapels (Engelkapelle, Marienkapelle)
* St.Kolumba, parish church at least since 12th century
* St Kunibert, Chorherrenstift since 9th century, founded at an already existing sanctuary; now parish church
* St. Marien-Ablasskapelle, parish church, developed out of a Marienkirche; property of the Ursulastift since 927
* Maria ad Gradus (Mariengraden; Maria im Kapitol), Kanonikerstift since ca 1060
* St Maria Lyskirchen, in 10th century private church of the landlord, since 1067 property of the St Georgstift, now parish church
* Gross St. Martin, Schottenstift
* Klein St. Martin, Pfarre St. Martin, originated in 11th century, in 1100 united with St Peter und Paul, from 1140 (at least) parish church
* Mauritiuskirche, dedicated 1141
* St. Michael am Weidenbach,
* Minoritenkirche St Marië Empfängnis; the Franciscans settled in Köln in 1229; the choir of their newbuilt church was dedicated 1260; transferred to the Dom 1802
* St. Pantaleon, Benedictine abbey, founded by archbishop Bruno in 957, inhabited by monks of the Gorzer Reform from St. Maximin of Trier, since 1802 parish church
* St Peter, parish church since mid 12th century, but probably already in 941 an Eigenkirche of the Caecilienstift existed on this place
* St Severin, Chorherrenstift
* St Ursula, Frauenstift


The main source used for the Köln churches: Verbeek: Kölner Kirchen. Besides, information gathered in Köln has been used, among which: Colonia Gothica. Gotik in Köln 1998. 750 Jahre Gotischer Dom and Colonia Romanica. Romanische Kirchen in Köln, both published by the city of Köln.

The surroundings of Köln

* Ahrweiler, parish church
* Euskirchen, parish church
* Kriel, Alt St. Stefan, Eigenkirche of the Gereonstift, founded probably before 1000, known as a parish church since 1224
* Mülheim, St Klemens, originally chapel belonging to the parish Buchheim, from 1414 see of the parish

Unidentified Rheinland manuscripts

* B-Br 353, Rhineland Breviary, 12th century
* Enschede, RMT, inv.nr. 293 (cat.nr. 10): Breviarium, diocese Köln, written before 1488; see: De handschriften en incunabelen van het Rijksmuseum Twenthe, pp. 17-18 and p. 62 (facs.)
* Köln, Erzbisch. Diöz.museum, Bu2-1, Missal, early 13th century; Low Countries notation on staves of 4 ink lines; c-line yellow, f-line red. Probably from the Cistercian abbey Altenberg (see Kostbarkeiten in Köln, nr. 181, pp. 75-76, incl. facs.; Handschriftencensus Rheinland, nr. 1328)
* Köln, Erzbisch. Diöz.museum, Bu3-314, Gradual, Köln (?), early 16th century (see Kostbarkeiten in Köln, nr. 148, p. 62; Handschriftencensus Rheinland, nr. 1329)
* Köln, Erzbisch. Diöz.museum, Bu7, Graduale-Antiphonarium, 15th century, from the parish church in Oberbachem (see Kostbarkeiten in Köln, nr. 182, p. 76; Handschriftencensus Rheinland, nr. 1331)
* Köln, Erzbisch. Diöz.museum, Bu4-315, Gradual, Köln, early 16th century (see Kostbarkeiten in Köln, nr. 93, p. 46; Handschriftencensus Rheinland, nr. 1330)
* Köln, Erzbisch. Diöz.museum, Bu15-310, Missal, Rheinland-Westfalen, 15th century, perhaps from the Abtei Werden an der Ruhr (see: Kostbarkeiten in Köln, nr. 92, p. 46; Handschriftencensus Rheinland, nr. 1334)


Last change: Thu 11 September 2003