
Canons, following the Rule of St. Augustine. A renewed flourishing of the order took place in the late 11th century, as one of the results of the Gregorian Reform.

From the late 14th or 15th century onwards most Augustinian houses joined a Kapittel, an association of houses sharing the same spiritual ideas.


Zeven eeuwen Augustijnen. Een kloostergemeenschap schrijft geschiedenis. Boek, gerealiseerd n.a.v. de gelijknamige tentoonstelling in de Pietersabdij Gent, 28 sept. 1996-5 januari 1997.


* Cambrai, Aubertus Abbey, Augustinian canons
* Dordrecht, Augustijnenklooster
* Leiden, Agathaconvent
* Maastricht, Maria ten Oever
* Mechelen, Berg Thabor, nuns
* Utrecht, Agnesklooster, nuns

Kapittel van Windesheim

Founded 1386-1387 by Florens Radewijns under the influence of the 'Moderne Devotie'; it experienced a quick growth by foundation of daughter houses, and by joining of other monasteries and kapittels (such as the Kapittel of Groenendaal in 1412 and that of Neuss in 1430).

* Albergen, Antoniusklooster
* Amersfoort, Agathaklooster, nuns
* Amsterdam, Oude Nonnenklooster, women's convent
* Arnhem, Bethanië, women
* Brussel, Zevenborren
* Doetinchem, klooster Bethlehem
* Dordrecht, Agnesklooster
* Eemstein near Dordrecht, Regulierenklooster
* Haarlem, OLV-Visitatieklooster
* Harderwijk, Agnes in Galilea
* Herent, klooster Bethlehem
* Hoorn, Nieuwlicht
* Korsendonk, Regulierenklooster
* Leiden, Klooster Lopsen (Hieronymusdal)
* Oudergem near Brussel, Rooklooster
* Sneek, klooster Thabor
* Tongeren, Ter Nood Gods
* Utrecht, St. Maria en de 12 Apostelen
* Windesheim, Domus beatae Mariae
* Woensel (near Eindhoven), Mariënhage
* Zwolle, Agnietenberg

Unidentified Windesheim manuscripts

* GB-Eu 33, Graduale, 15th century, diocese Utrecht
* NL-DHk 73 H 28, Rituale Windeshemense, ca 1500, probably for a women's convent in the southern Low Countries
* NL-Uc BMH 8, Missale Trajectense, 1486, probably from North Holland


* Monasticon Windeshemense
* Moderne Devotie: Figuren en facetten

Kapittel van Sion

The female patron saints of this Kapittel were: Katherina, Barbara, Agnes and Ursula (Obbema, p. 183).

* Amsterdam, Agnesklooster, women
* Amsterdam, Maria Magdalenaklooster, women
* Delft, Agnesklooster
* Gouda, Margaretaklooster, women
* Haarlem, Maria ter Zijl, women
* Leiden, Marienpoel, women
* Stein (near Gouda), klooster Emmaus

Unidentified Sion manuscripts

* NL-Avu xv 00003, Ordinarius, ca 1469-1500


* Moderne Devotie: Figuren en facetten, pp. 291-297 e.a.
* E. Ypma: Het generaal kapittel van Sion. Zijn oorsprong, ontwikkeling en inrichting (Nijmegen-Utrecht 1949)

Kapittel van Venlo

Founded 1455; based on the same ideals as Windesheim.

* Diest, Mariëndaal (nuns)
* Driel, Annentroon (nuns)
* Helmond, Mariënhage (nuns)
* 's Hertogenbosch, Geertruiklooster (nuns)
* 's Hertogenbosch, Bethanië (Windmolenberg)
* Maaseik, Agnesklooster (nuns)
* Nuenen (east of Eindhoven), Soeterbeeck (nuns)
* Roermond, Mariagaarde
* Rosmalen, Annenborch (nuns)
* Venlo, Mariaweide, main convent of the Kapittel van Venlo
* Waalwijk, Nazareth
* Weert, Maria Wijngaard


Moderne Devotie: Figuren en facetten, pp. 291-311 e.a; for a list of convents belonging to the Kapittel of Venlo: pp. 307-308.

Unidentified Augustinian manuscripts

* NL-Au I G 36: breviary, 15th century
* NL-Au 1 E 30: Calendar / liturgical prescriptions, mid 15th century, of a convent dedicated to Barbara and John Evangelist, belonging to a Kapittel or Congregatie with Georgius as a patron; diocese Utrecht
* NL-DHk 78 J 10, Nocturnale, 1475-1500, diocese of Utrecht
* NL-DHk 78 J 44, Hymnarium-processionale, 1519-1555, for a women's convent
* NL-DHk 133 E 8, Augustinian diurnale, mid 15th century, diocese Utrecht
* NL-DHk 134 C 48, Week psalter, late 15th century, Augustinian nuns, diocese Utrecht
* NL-DHk 135 K 13, Diurnale (summer part), ca 1450-1475, diocese of Utrecht
* NL-HEESWab 16, Week psalter, hymns, etc., 16th century, diocese Utrecht
* NL-Uc BMH 24, Antiphonarium, summer part, early 16th century, for a nun's convent
* NL-Uc BMH 28, Hymnarius etc., late 15th century, for a nun's convent
* GB-Ob Marshall 126, 15th century (CAO V, nr. 360)
* Reims, BM 2108, Augustinian breviary, diocese Utrecht, 1497, Manuscrits datés France t. V, p. 315, pl. CLXXVII; Leroquais 736
* SA-CT G 6 b 12, Office book, 16th century, perhaps Augustinians in Antwerpen


Last change: Tue 20 April 2004