B-LVap 20

Notated Missal, late 12th or early 13th century. Low Countries notation (with angular clivis), staves partly red, partly in ink. Sometimes a more lorraine-like notation occurs (e.g. on fol. 31r bottom margin, f. 207). Prefaces etc. are added in a younger hand using square notation on red staves.

Borremans (pp. 9-10, fig. 9, 13) says that the corrections and additions betray that the ms has been used in a premonstratensian abbey and that its liturgy is arranged according to the premonstratensian use, though it is not from premonstratensian origin. By Van Waefelghem (p. 251, nr. 557, and p. 365) it is attributed to the Sulpitiuskerk in Diest; this attribution is adopted by N.J. Weyns: Le missel Prémontré, in: Analecta Praemonstratensia 43 (1967), p. 204 (nr. 12). There is, however, nothing in the manuscript that refers to Diest. On the contrary, on fol. 104v is a Missa de sancto Gummaro, pointing towards Lier. This mass (texts only) is added in a 15th century cursive script. It contains a sequentia for Gummarus: In excelso triumphanti.

Neither the Sanctorale (Preiectus, Octava Agnetis, fol. 165r) nor the litany (Servatius, Trudo; fol. 67 ?) give decisive details about the origin of the manuscript.

Between fols. 114 and 115 is a small loose fragment with staffless 11th century lorraine neumes.


- Fols. 1-102r: Temporale
- Younger additions: Fol. 104v: Missa de sancto Gummaro; fol. 105r: preface tones, canon, pater noster (square notation on red staves); fols. 117-131: part of a missal, not noted, 15th (?) century
- Fols. 132r ff.: Dominicae per annum; Sanctorale (original hand)


The sequences with music are:

Younger hands

207r Veni sancte spiritus
Letabundus exultet
207v Alleluia Inviolata intacta et casta (perhaps used as a sequentia)

Original hand

209r Natus ante secula
Salve porta perpetue lucis
209v Eya recolamus
Ecce iam votiva festa (Circumcision)
210r Unus deus amor et una (Stephanus)
210v Laus gloria virtus (Johannes Evang.)
Pura deum laudet (Innocentes)
211r Festa christi omni christianitas (rubric erased)
Victime pascali (Easter)
211v Eya dic nobis (Ad magnam)
Mane prima sabbati (Maria Magd.)
212r Salve crux sancta (De s. Cruce; no notation)
Rex omnipotens die (In ascensione)
212v Sancti spiritus assit (Pentecostes)
213r Benedicta semper (Trinitas)
213v Christi baptista per (Johannes Baptista)
Petre summe christi pastor (Petrus)
Clare sanctorum (De apostolis)
214r Laus tibi christe qui es (Maria Magdalena)
214v Stolam iucunditatis (de s. Laurentio)
Ave preclara maris stella (de s. Maria)
215r Post partum virgo (de s. Maria)
215v Ave mundi spes
Laudes cruces attollamus (de s. Cruce)
216v Ad celebres rex (Michael)
O omnes cherubin (no rubric; partly without notation)
217r Sacrosancta hodierna (no rubric)
Congaudentes exultemus (de s. Nicholao)
217v Ave maria gratia plena (de s. Maria; incomplete)


* Borremans: Le chant liturgique ..., pp. 9-10, figs. 9, 13
* Van Waefelghem, p. 251 (nr. 557), and p. 365
* Von Huebner: Frühe Zeugnisse
* N.J. Weyns: Le missel Prémontré, in: Analecta Praemonstratensia 43 (1967), p. 204 (nr. 12)
* De Loos: Saints in Brabant, pp. 11-12, 17-20 (incl. facs), 33-34


Autopsy, September and November 2000; single check
Last change: Thu 21 February 2002