Den Haag: Koninklijke Bibliotheek (NL-DHk)


* Boeren: Catalogus van de liturgische handschriften van de KB
* Liturgische handschriften uit de KB


* NL-DHk 68 A 1, Antiphoner, Gregoriushuis in 's Hertogenbosch, ca 1520
* NL-DHk 70 E 1, Evangelia & epistolae, Onze-Lieve-Vrouwekerk, Maastricht, mid 15th century
* NL-DHk 70 E 2, Evangeliarium, Kruisherenklooster Maastricht, 1st half 15th century
* NL-DHk 70 E 4, Fragmenta Tongrensia, O.-L.-Vrouwekerk, Tongeren, 12th-14th century
* NL-DHk 70 E 5, manuscript of Maagdendries in Maastricht, containing an Easter play
* NL-DHk 70 E 8, Lectionarium, Kruisherenklooster Maastricht, 1538 / 1589
* NL-DHk 70 E 17, Evangeliarii fragmenta & iuramenta, Onze-Lieve-Vrouwekerk, Maastricht, 10th century and 15th-17th century
* NL-DHk KB, 71 A 2, Lectionarium-Passionale, Servaaskerk, Maastricht, 15th century
* NL-DHk 71 A 3, Graduale-Prosarium, 1530, Albanuskerk in Vlijtingen
* NL-DHk 71 A 4, Graduale-Prosarium, ca 1500, probably for the Begaarden or Tertianen in Maastricht
* NL-DHk 71 A 5, Summer antiphoner, 1st half 15th century, Agnesklooster in Maaseik
* NL-DHk 71 A 6, Week psalter and hymns, mid 15th century, used by the Minderbroedersklooster in Tongeren
* NL-DHk 71 A 7, Week psalter, canticles and hymns, for a franciscan house in or near Maastricht
* NL-DHk 71 A 13, Ordinal, Onze-Lieve-Vrouwekerk, Maastricht, 3rd quarter of the 14th century
* NL-DHk 71 A 21, Officia, Missae et Sequentiae for the Birgittines of Mariënwater near 's Hertogenbosch, 2nd half 15th century
* NL-DHk 71 G 51, psalterium, 1st half 15th century, perhaps from Insula Ducis in Gempe
* NL-DHk 71 J 65, Breviary, 15th century, Augustijnenklooster, Dordrecht
* NL-DHk 71 J 66, Breviary, diocese of Doornik, 2nd half 15th century
* NL-DHk 71 J 67, Diurnale, 1448, Klooster Emmaus in Stein near Gouda (Augustinians)
* NL-DHk 71 J 70, Hymnal, Abdij Ste Marie in Rijnsburg, 2nd half 15th century
* NL-DHk 72 A 28, fragments, both liturgical and non-liturgical
* NL-DHk 73 B 24, Fragmenta liturgica, ca 1300 - 15th century
* NL-DHk 73 E 8, Summer antiphoner, Abdij Ste Marie in Rijnsburg, 2nd half 15th century
* NL-DHk 73 E 9, liturgy of the dead, 1605, for one of the canons of Janskerk, Utrecht
* NL-DHk 73 G 35, Summer breviary, ca 1500, diocese of Utrecht
* NL-DHk 73 H 28, Rituale Windeshemense, ca 1500, probably for a women's convent in the southern Low Countries
* NL-DHk 74 F 25, Liber exorcismorum, mid 16th century, Regulierenklooster in Eemstein near Dordrecht
* NL-DHk 74 G 7, Benedictine week psalter, klooster Siloe in Selwerd, 1461-1486
* NL-DHk 74 G 10, Week psalter, mid 15th century, prepared at klooster Siloe for a Franciscan women's house
* NL-DHk 74 G 24, Benedictine week psalter, 2nd half 15th century, diocese of Utrecht
* NL-DHk 74 G 25, Diurnale, after 1461, for a Dominican house, with a calendar from the diocese of Münster
* NL-DHk 74 G 31, Cistercian diurnale (winter part), 1280-1290, diocese Cambrai or Luik
* NL-DHk 75 A 2-6, Antiphonarium diurnale winter part, ca 1500
* NL-DHk 75 G 60, Breviary fragments, 2nd half 15th century, perhaps Kruisherenklooster Maastricht
* NL-DHk 75 H 39, Fragmenta liturgica, 11th-16th century, partly from the diocese of Utrecht
* NL-DHk 75 H 44, Breviarium nocturnale, winter part, ca 1450, diocese of Utrecht
* NL-DHk 75 H 47, Breviary, ca 1450, Heer Florenshuis, Deventer (Broeders en Zusters van het Gemene Leven)
* NL-DHk 76 D 14, Missale Notatum - Sequentiarium, first half 15th century, parish church of Elden, near Arnhem
* NL-DHk 76 E 2, Missale, mid 15th century, for a women's house in the diocese of Utrecht
* NL-DHk 76 E 3, week psalter, hymnal, etc., early 16th century, for the Catharinaklooster in Hoorn
* NL-DHk 76 E 17, Evangeliarium, 2nd half 12th century, region of Luik (Maasland)
* NL-DHk 76 F 1, Evangeliarium, 3rd quarter 9th century, Adelbertusabdij Egmond
* NL-DHk 76 F 3, Evangeliarium (ca 1150), Exultet (16th century), Easter Play (ca 1200), Onze-Lieve-Vrouwekerk, Maastricht
* NL-DHk 76 G 6, Breviary summer part, ca 1500, diocese Utrecht
* NL-DHk 76 J 17, Cistercian epistolarium, ca 1450-1475
* NL-DHk 76 J 18, Dominican breviary, 1250-1275, diocese Cambrai
* NL-DHk 76 J 19, Nocturnale winter part, 2nd half 15th century, Goedelekerk, Brussel
* NL-DHk 78 A 30, Antiphoner, mid 14th century, probably Minderbroedersklooster in Maastricht
* NL-DHk 78 A 32, Week psalter and hymns, 1521, Klooster Slavante, Lichtenberg near Maastricht
* NL-DHk 78 A 33, Graduale, early 16th century, Abdij van Berne
* NL-DHk 78 A 34, Fragmenta liturgica
* NL-DHk 78 D 44, Missal, 1st half 15th century, Servaaskerk, Maastricht
* NL-DHk 78 F 5, Lectionarium, perhaps Kruisherenklooster, Maastricht, 2nd half 15th century
* NL-DHk 78 J 10, Nocturnale, 1475-1500, for an Augustinian house in the diocese of Utrecht
* NL-DHk 78 J 43, Hymnarium, antiphonae, Stephanusabdij in Oudwijk near Utrecht, 1st half 16th century
* NL-DHk 78 J 44, Hymnarium-processionale, 1519-1555, for an Augustinian women's house
* NL-DHk 78 J 45, Hymnarium etc, late 15th century, for Augustinian tertiaries
* NL-DHk 78 J 46, Hymnarium, antiphonae, Stephanusabdij in Oudwijk near Utrecht, late 15th century
* NL-DHk 128 C 6, Antiphonarium, late 16th century, Gregoriushuis in 's Hertogenbosch
* NL-DHk 128 D 29, Missal, early 15th and 2nd half 15th century, diocese Utrecht, perhaps (?) Franciscan tertiaries
* NL-DHk 129 E 3, Rituale, 2nd half 15th century, Gregoriushuis Harderwijk
* NL-DHk 129 E 18, Breviarium (pars secunda) of Aubertus Abbey in Cambrai, 1434-1435
* NL-DHk 129 E 19, Breviarium (pars tertia) of Aubertus Abbey in Cambrai, 1434-1435
* NL-DHk 129 E 21, Breviarium ordinis Praemonstratensis, 1507
* NL-DHk 130 C 15, Antiphoner winter part, 2nd half 15th century, probably of Maria ten Oever in Maastricht
* NL-DHk 130 C 22, Antiphoner summer part, 2nd half 15th century, probably of Maria ten Oever in Maastricht
* NL-DHk 130 G 18, Antiphoner winter part, mid 15th century, diocese Utrecht (?), for a monastery dedicated to Antonius
* NL-DHk 131 G 10, Missal, 1510, for the Carmelietenklooster in Mechelen
* NL-DHk 131 G 47, Nocturnale winter part, mid 15th century, diocese Utrecht, pocket size
* NL-DHk 133 E 8, Augustinian diurnale, mid 15th century, diocese Utrecht
* NL-DHk 133 E 13, Breviarium Birgittanum, early 16th century, Mariënwater in 's Hertogenbosch
* NL-DHk 133 H 25, Breviary, ca 1425, prepared in East-Netherland for a house of the Devotio Moderna in Deventer
* NL-DHk 134 B 14, fragments, both liturgical and non-liturgical
* NL-DHk 134 C 48, Week psalter, late 15th century, Augustinian women's house, diocese Utrecht
* NL-DHk 134 C 60, Psalterium-Breviarium Birgittanum, Mariënwater near 's Hertogenbosch, 1468
* NL-DHk 135 E 15, Psalterium non feriatum, 1st half 14th century, prepared in Deventer
* NL-DHk 135 F 1, Vigilia Mortuorum etc., late 15th century, for a Birgittine house in the region of the Lower Rhine
* NL-DHk 135 G 18, Psalterium non feriatum, 2nd half 13th century and 15th century, prepared in the diocese Luik or Cambrai, transferred to England ca 15th century
* NL-DHk 135 H 45, Missale Romanum Ordinis Fratrum Minorum, ca 1450-1475, perhaps prepared for Bloemendael in Gouda
* NL-DHk 135 K 13, Diurnale (summer part), ca 1450-1475, for an Augustinian house in the diocese of Utrecht
* NL-DHk Depot KNAW 34, Ordinal in vernacular, of one of the Cistercian nun's convent of Syon in Niewier, 1561

Besides there are some liturgical fragments.


These are all manuscripts from Boeren's catalogue, and some more.
Last change: Sat 27 September 2003