Brussel: Goedelekerk

Chapter church in Brussel, originally dedicated to Michael. Chapter founded mid 11th century by Balderik Lambert II, count of Leuven. When in the 11th century the relics of Gudula (in vernacular Goedele) were brought to this church she became the second patron, and gradually gained importance.


* NL-DHk 76 J 19, nocturnale hiemale, 2nd half 15th century
* B-Br 5839 ( 542), breviarium hiemale, 1451 (CMD-B IV, nr. 533, pl. 879)
* Gent, UB 201, breviarium diurnale, 15th century
* Brugge, Seminarie, A-17294, breviarium hiemale & aestivale, imprint, 1516

Fragment nr 72 of B-Br IV 625 may have belonged to the Goedelekerk.

Besides, there are some printed processionalia from 1629, such as: Brussel, Algemeen Rijksarchief, fonds St. Goedele, nr. 7843.


Last change: Wed 20 March 2002