
Birgittijnen or 'Orde van de Allerheiligste Zaligmaker'.
Monastic order, strongly contemplative, founded by St. Birgitta (died 1373, canonized 1391) in Sweden, second half 14th century. This order has a strong devotion to the suffering of Christ, and aims to follow the Virgin Mary in her alliance with Him. Hence the liturgy is largely centered around Mary. The order consisted of double monasteries (for both men and women); the monks were occupied with spiritual care, the nuns were governing the abbeys. At present in the Netherlands only the female branch still exists.

Birgittine abbeys

* Dendermonde, Mariëntroon
* 's Hertogenbosch, Mariënwater
* Kampen, Mariënkamp
* Soest near Utrecht, Marienburg
* Xanten, Marienbaum

Unidentified Birgittine manuscripts

* NL-Au I F 50 ( 603): Officium beate Mariae Virginis in usum religiosarum Ordinis S. Birgittae; mid 15th century
* B-Br II 1523 ( 584), see Van den Gheyn, I, pp. 369
* NL-DHk 135 F 1, Vigilia Mortuorum, late 15th century, for a Birgittine house in the region of the Lower Rhine
* NL-Uu 15 C 10, psalterium-breviarium, diocese Utrecht, 1495; CMD-NL 2, nr. 735a, pl. 601


Birgitta van Zweden


Last change: Sun 27 October 2002