NL-DHk 78 J 46

Late 15th century manuscript, containing hymns, antiphons, etc., of the Stephanusabdij Oudwijk near Utrecht. Monastic cursus.

Hufnagelschrift on ink staves.

Fols. 1-12v: calendar (monastic)
Fols. 17r-74v: hymns
Fols. 75r-87r: responsoria brevia (with notation)
Fols. 87-90: fully noted Te Deum.
Fols. 90r-114: ferial office. Fols. 117r-217: cantica, psalms etc (without notation) The manuscript is followed by a printed psalter.

Ferial antiphons:
Expugna, fol. 95v. mode 1
Ne in ira, fol 95v. mode 5 Benediximus vobis, fol. 98v, mode 8


Boeren: Catalogus ..., nr. 63, pp. 159-160


Autopsy, oct. 1999. Microfilm in Utrecht, Letterenbibliotheek
Last change: Wed 26 February 2003