Leuven: Bibl. Godgeleerdheid (B-LVgbib)

Groot-Seminarie Mechelen, mss 1-188


C. De Clercq: Catalogue des manuscrits du Grand Séminaire de Malines.


* B-LVgbib Mechelen 5, Rituale monasticum, St. Truiden, 12th-14th century
* B-LVgbib Mechelen 6, Missale, 15th century, Mechelen (Capella de heydendonc circa mechliniam)
* B-LVgbib Mechelen 7, Missale, 15th century, Barbaraklooster in Delft
* B-LVgbib Mechelen 8, Breviarium Romanum part I, with the coat-of-arms of Nicolas de la Ruystre, bishop of Arras, 15th-16th century
* B-LVgbib Mechelen 9, Breviarium Romanum part II, 15th-16th century
* B-LVgbib Mechelen 14, Psalterium and texts of cistercian offices, 13th century
* B-LVgbib Mechelen. 50, Nocturnale, 16th century
* B-LVgbib Mechelen 51, Calender, 16th century, added to a printed breviary
* B-LVgbib Mechelen 52, Missale, 16th century, small book with priest's chants in square notation

Besides there are several post-medieval manuscripts, e.g. processionals, passion tones etc.

Groot-Seminarie Mechelen, mss 189 ff.


These mss are not entered in the catalogue; in the library are small folders containing cards.


* B-LVgbib Mechelen 195, antiphonarium, Clarissen, 16th century (?)
* B-LVgbib Mechelen 196, antiphonarium, post-medieval
* B-LVgbib Mechelen 207, antiphonarium, 16th century ?
* B-LVgbib Mechelen 276, 279, 280, 281, 282: late 16th century (?) books from Berg Thabor in Mechelen, later on used by the Begijnhof Mechelen
* B-LVgbib Mechelen 287, fragments from Mechelen

Collectie SJ

No medieval liturgical manuscripts, only some fragments in folder B-LVgbib SJ X 13 and post-medieval manuscripts.


Last change: Tue 26 March 2002