Antiphonarium aestivale, Sint Agathaklooster near Cuyk (Crosiers), late 15th century. Paper, unfoliated, square notation on red staves.

In the middle of the ms is a Te Deum (fully notated).

Saints and feasts

Among others:

* Stabat mater dolorosa (younger hand)
* S. Monica
* Anna
* Helena regina. Antiphons for Matins: LMLO: HE-14; AH 18, nr 33
* Augustinus. Vesper antiphon: Letare mater nostra jerusalem; ad Magnificat: Adest dies celebris; first antiphon for Matins: Aperuit Augustinus codicem apostolicum, first responsory for Matins: Invenit se Augustinus, verse: Nec tu me mutabis
* Translatio Augustini: only antiphons to the gospel canticles: Presul sanctissime via morum, Canon vite canonice and Augustine lux
* XI M virgines (LMLO: UR-72; AH 5, nr. 88)


Autopsy, May 2000
Last change: Tue 01 January 2002