Cuyk: Sint Agathaklooster

Kruisherenklooster near Cuyk.

Manuscripts for the convent's own use

* NL-SAGATHAsa 1: Graduale, ca 1499-1529, written by fr. Johannes Daventrie (Van de Pasch, pp. 7-20)
* NL-SAGATHAsa 2: Graduale-Antiphonarium-Collectarium, ca 1500 (Van de Pasch, pp. 20-28)
* NL-SAGATHAsa 17, antiphoner winter part
* NL-SAGATHAsa 27, antiphoner summer part
* Tilburg, KUB, KHS 22, horae diurnae
* SA-CT G 3 a 20, summer breviary (F.C. Steyn 2002)


Van de Pasch: De drie Gradualia van S. Agatha

The present library of the monastery

At present the manuscripts of the St.-Agathaklooster are preserved by the Stichting Sint Aegten, housed in a wing of the monastery.


Last change: Mon 20 January 2003