![]() | D-AAm G20 |
Antiphonarium of the Marienstift Aachen, 2nd half 13th century. Called 'Antiphoner of Franco' because of the phrase 'Orate pro Francone' written in red paint on top of some of the pages. This is the oldest preserved Aachen Antiphoner. The notation type is essentially the same as in the Aachen Arnoldus-Graduale D-AAm G13, though it is younger. Staves drawn in ink, with red f-line and yellow c-line. Mainly eastern chant dialect though less strict than in e.g. the Utrecht manuscripts.
13th century antiphoner:
1r | Small tonary |
2r | Venitorium |
11r | Temporale |
Younger additions:
143r | Feasts for Georgius, Marinus and Florinus |
153r | Psalterium |
196r | Vigilia defunctorum |
199r | Hymnarium (partly provided with notation) |
212v | Litany |
214r | In conceptione beate marie |
13th century antiphoner
220r | Sanctorale |
A considerable number of local saints feasts is found in this antiphoner, among which Charlemagne (f. 238r), Servatius, Egidius (296r-298v).
Gatzweiler: Die liturgischen Handschriften des Aachener Münsterstifts, pp. 109-112. Gatzweiler considers the Antiphoner part to originate from the Aachen Dom (p. 111, text and note 2: ' ... ist zweifellos ursprünglich eine Handschrift des Aachener Münsters.'), referring to the feasts of Charlemagne and of the secondary patrons of the church Leopardus and Corona.
Handschriftencensus Rheinland, nr. 33: '... Antiphonarium Officii, das wohl in Aachen geschrieben würde; ... das Psalterium stammt aus dem Bereich der Diözese Lüttich.'
Federstrich, nr. 27; p. 125 (incl. facs; see also pp. 45-55) ,
Dom Claire, comparing the modal structure of the ferial antiphons of antiphoner D-AAm G20 with that of the Aachen psalters, says in Études Grégoriennes XV, p. 15: '... son psalmista est plus évolué par endroits, encore qu'apparenté de très près aux psautiers. On n'est d'ailleurs pas entièrement sûr qu'il a été en usage à la Chapelle-même, ...'.