Amsterdam: Toonkunst-Bibliotheek (NL-At)

Toonkunst-Bibliotheek, housed in the Openbare Bibliotheek Amsterdam, department of music (Prinsengracht 587).

Some of the manuscripts were deposited in the NL-Au from the late 19th century up till 1955; now most of them are back again.


Catalogus van de bibliotheek der Vereeniging v. Nederlandsche Muziekgeschiedenis (Amsterdam 1919)

The catalogue contains a simple summing up of manuscripts, without signatures or shelf numbers, which hinders a precise identification of the manuscripts. The catalogue mentions the following liturgical manuscripts:

* p. 207: Antiphonarium Praemonstratense ... Voorin: 'Abbatiae Bernensis'. This is at present NL-Au I A 23
* p. 215: Graduale Romanum. Hs. op perk. uit de 15de eeuw. 141 bld. fol. [...] This is now 206 A 11 (see below)
* p. 226: Responsorium, Antiphonale et Hymnarium. Hs. op papier uit de 14de eeuw. blzd. 8vo obl. Met muziek. Afkomstig uit een Nederl. Augustyner klooster. This is at present NL-Au V J 59

Besides, there is a card tray that mentions mss 206 A 10 and 206 A 11 (see below).


The only manuscripts that are at present in the Toonkunstbibliotheek are:

* NL-At 206 A 10, Choir book with mainly office chants, 16th (?) century
* NL-At 206 A 11, Graduale, late 14th or early 15th century


This is a complete survey of the Toonkunstbibl. liturgical manuscripts
Last change: Tue 01 January 2002