![]() | NL-Au V J 59 |
Small processionale-hymnarium, probably Augustinian, late 16th or ca 1600. Paper, 319 pagina's (159 folia); ca 10 x 15,5 cm (oblong); 16th century (probably ca 1600); Hufnagelschrift on staves in ink.
The responsory on pp. 303-304 points towards an Augustinian convent; the fact that Dedicatio Ecclesiae immediately follows Assumptio BMV may suggest that the Assumption feast was the convents patron feast; the large amount of chants in honour of Mary may also point to Mary as the patron saint. The two Dutch rubrics (p. 305 and 307) may indicate a womens' convent.
Formerly belonging to the Bibliotheek der Vereeniging v. Nederlandsche Muziekgeschiedenis, s.s. (this collection is now kept in the Toonkunstbibliotheek Amsterdam).
There is a small visitatio sepulchri. On p. 305 and 307 are rubrics in vernacular (Dutch). No Proprium sanctorum.
p. 4: resp. Honor virtus
p. 7: Te Deum
p. 18: resp. Benedicat nos deus
p. 20: In vigilia vigilie nativitatis domini (from then on the book follows the
liturgical year cycle)
p. 25: Laudes de BMV: ant. Alma interspersed with verses:
Alma redemptoris ... qui curat populo Verse Marie virginis fecundat ...
dans nova federa Ant. Tu que genuisti natura mirante sanctum genitorem
Verse Ardere cernitur ... in puerperio Ant. Virgo prius ac
posterius gabrielis ab ore Verse Miratur racio ... pro semine Ant.
Sumens illus ave peccatorum miserere
p. 31: Resp. Descendit, Verbum caro
p. 54: In festo purificationis beate Marie virginis ad processionem. p. 63: ant.
Responsum accepit symeon with a rubric indicating the performance practice: Duo clerici cantent sed chorus pneuma
p. 71: In die palmarum
p. 97: In nocte pasche
p. 97: In nocte pascha ante antutinas (sic) priusquam crux sustolatur [ant.]
Christus resurgens In processione antiphona Cum rex glorie cristus
[resp.breve?] Tollite portas
In visitatione sepulchri Maria Magdalena et altera
Maria ferebant diluculo aromata dominum querentes in monumento Angeli
cantent Quem queritis in sepulchro o christicole Mulieres Iesum
Nazarenum crucifixum o celicole Angeli cantent Non est hic surexit (sic)
sicut predixerat Ite nuntiate quia surrexit a morte In statione Hymnu
Salve festa dies. Then follow other procession chants
p. 117: In die resurrectionis domini nostri iesu christi
p. 125: In diebus rogationibus; p. 131: litany with the following saints: Maria, Michael,
Joannes, Laurentius, Augustinus, Chatarina (sic), Elizabeth, omnes sancti
p. 139: In die Ascensionis Ad processionem [...]
p. 149: In die penthecostes
p. 155: In die venerabilis sacramenti ad processionem (many chants; some of them with
a rubric Ad stationem or In expositione)
p.179: De sancta et individua trinitate
p. 191: In assumptionis beate marie virginis
p. 195: In dedicatione ecclesie
p. 207: De s. cruce
p. 210: Commons of saints
p. 224: Inviolata intacta, followed by some Marian antiphons
p. 258: Hymnarium
p. 294: In sepultura
p. 303: resp. O lumen ecclesie beate pater augustine... augustine bone pater
et venerande patrone
p. 305: Up guden donderdach Magnificat: 1st mode Magnificat, the uneven verses
are indicated by an incipit only; the even verses are fully written out
p. 307: Up paschavent Magnificat, similar for a 2nd mode Magnificat.
Not in the catalogue of the University of Amsterdam. It is mentioned in the Catalogus van de bibliotheek der Vereeniging v. Nederlandsche Muziekgeschiedenis (Amsterdam 1919), on p. 226: Responsorium, Antiphonale et Hymnarium. Hs. op papier uit de 14de eeuw. blzd. 8vo obl. Met muziek. Afkomstig uit een Nederl. Augustyner klooster. (The dating is incorrect!)