NL-Uu 427 (II E 26)

Small Franciscan or Clarissen breviary; hybrida script, no music notation at all. According to K. van der Horst 1989, nr. 167, it is 2nd half 15th century and it might be from the diocese of Köln.

In the calendar: 13 June: Anthonii conf. ordinis minorum; 12 August: Clare virginis; maius duplex; 19 August: Oct. clare semiduplex; 17 September: Festum stigmatum Francisci; 2 October: Translatio sancte clare virginis minus duplex; 4 October: In festo sanctissimi patris nostri francissci (!) maius duplex; 11 October: Oct. beati Francisci minus duplex.

Fol. 340r: Clara; 363r: stigmata Francisci; 370r: in festo translat. s. clare officium dicitur sicut in die eius; 370r: Francisci.

Penwork: fol. 11, 48, 64v, 65v, 66v, 68r, 70v, 77r, 88r, 97v, 229v, 263r (sanctorale; with gold), etc.


* Tiele's catalogue
* K. van der Horst 1989, nr. 167, fig. 695


Autopsy, April 2002
Last change: Tue 14 May 2002