Leiden: Universiteitsbibliotheek (NL-Lu)


* NL-Lu BPL 102, compendium, with a responsory for Martini translation
* NL-Lu BPL 2777, Choir book for the Divine Office, 1562
* NL-Lu BPL 2879, Missale fragment (17 fols.; sequences, no notation), prepared in Marienpoel, 1438, for the castle Loenersloot
* NL-Lu BPL 2905, ordinarius brevis, calendar, choir psalter, breviary, 2nd half 15th century, for the Geertruiklooster in 's Hertogenbosch

There are also some neumes in NL-Lu Cod. 4* Bur. Q I, Lucanus ms from Adelbertusabdij in Egmond (Hof p. 269).


Last change: Tue 27 December 2005