's Hertogenbosch

The town of 's Hertogenbosch (Bois-le-Duc) was founded ca 1185 by Duke Hendrik I of Brabant. It soon developed into a flourishing town.

Patron of the main church: Johannes Evangelista.

Up till 1559 the town belonged to the diocese of Luik (Liège); then it received its own bishop's see, and came under the archdiocese of Mechelen.

In 1629 the town was conquered by Prince Frederik Hendrik, and thus fell in protestant hands; in contrast with the northern towns Contrareformation was strong in 's Hertogenbosch during the protestant government.


* Baseldonck, Wilhelmieten
* Bogardenklooster
* Dominicanenklooster, Dominicans
* St. Elisabeth Bloemenkamp, Franciscan nuns or tertiaries (see: Cultuur in het laat-middeleeuws Noord-Brabant, p. 70)
* Franciscanenklooster, Franciscans since 1228
* St.-Geertruiklooster, Augustinessen
* Gregoriushuis, Brethren of Common Life
* St.-Jan, chapter church
* Kruisherenklooster
* Mariënwater, Birgittinessen and Birgittijnen
* Rijke Claren, Clarissen

Besides there were many hospitals in the town, among which:

* Groot Gasthuis, Gasthuis

No manuscripts at all are known from the Alexianen and the Zwartzusters (who were taking care of the plague victims), the beguinages.


* In Buscoducis, many contributions, among which: vol. II: pp. 487-496: Boekverluchters en verluchte handschriften
* Cultuur in het laatmiddeleeuwse Noord-Brabant
* P. Kuijer: 's-Hertogenbosch. Stad in het hertogdom Brabant, ca 1185-1629 (Zwolle 2000)
* J.P.A. Coopmans: De rechtstoestand van de Godshuizen te 's-Hertogenbosch vóór 1629 (Den Bosch, 1964) (on the hospitals)

Unidentified manuscripts from 's Hertogenbosch or its region

* B-LVhuybens Gradual for Augustinian nuns


Last change: Sat 09 March 2002