Oxford: Bodleian (GB-Ob)

* GB-Ob Buchanan b 1, Graduale, 1545
* GB-Ob Buchanan f 2, Breviary, Birgittins of Mariënwater near 's Hertogenbosch
* GB-Ob Lat. lit. d 1, Miscellaneous
* GB-Ob Lat. lit. b 9, Missal (not noted), Use of Utrecht, mid 15th century
* GB-Ob Lat. lit. f 22, Psalter, Holland (?); second half 15th century
* GB-Ob Liturg. 253, Matutinale, 2nd half 15th century, Catharinaklooster in Nijmegen
* GB-Ob Marshall 126, Augustinian manuscript, 15th century (CAO V, nr. 360)


Last change: Mon 09 October 2006