Abdij van Berne

The Abdij van Berne was set up as an Augustinian convent, founded by Rolduc; after a few years (in 1134) it shifted to the premonstratensian order and its new inhabitants were the premonstratensians from Mariënweerd (in Beesd). From 1134-1579 the abbey was located in Bern (near Heusden); after several movings, caused by the religious troubles, the community settled in Heeswijk-Dinther (Noord-Brabant).


* NL-DHk 78 A 33, Graduale, early 16th century

The liturgical manuscripts are summed up in R. van Waefelghem: Répertoire ..., p. 32 (nr. 59), mentioning some manuscripts of the abbey library: a breviary ms 1, a hymnal without shelf number, and a processionale NL-HEESWab 13.

Van den Hurk: Lotgevallen, p. 221, mentions:
- Three manuscripts now kept in the Kon. Bibl.: NL-DHk 78 A 33, NL-DHk 128 C 6, and finally NL-DHk 128 C 7, antiphoner, 15th century (Boeren nr 65, p. 162), made in Italy and it may have arrived in the Abbey of Berne only in the 19th century.
- Two antiphoners. One was transferred to prof. d'Ablaing de Giessenburg; its present localisation is not known (the BNM says: 'Huidige bewaarplaats onbekend (LEIDEN, UB : Abl. ?)'. The other one was transferred to the Vereeniging voor Nederlandse Muziekgeschiedenis; this is now NL-Au I A 23.
- A manuscript transferred to the Bissch. Mus. Haarlem, this is now NL-Uc BMH 26.
- A cantuale preserved in the abbey.

Several manuscripts or fragments contain an early 17th century possessor's mark from this period (a fragment kept in GB-Cu, NL-Au I A 23); these manuscripts were most probably bought by the abbey in 1625.


* A.W. van den Hurk: De Abdij van Berne in de loop der eeuwen, in: Berne 30 (1977), pp. 99-118, and many other contributions in the journal Berne
* Van den Hurk: Lotgevallen van de boekerij van de Abdij van Berne

The present library of the abbey (NL-HEESWab)

In the early 17th century the abbey acquired the books of the Gregoriushuis in 's Hertogenbosch. In 1887 many books were sold (Lotgevallen ...).


* NL-HEESWab 12, Processionale, 15th-16th century
* NL-HEESWab 13, Processionale, 15th-16th century
* NL-HEESWab 16, Week psalter, hymns, etc., 16th century, diocese Utrecht, perhaps Augustinian
* NL-HEESWab 17, 15th-16th century gathering with the absoute following the mass of requiem, square notation on ink staves
* NL-HEESWab 19, Graduale (sanctorale), 15th-16th century, from Groot Gasthuis in 's Hertogenbosch

Besides there are some post-medieval liturgical manuscripts, and some manuscript fragments.

Liturgical prints

* 026.111.MIS.1578, Missale praemonstratense, 1578
* 026.12.BRE.1544, Breviarium Romana ex sacra potissimum scriptura, et probatis sanctorum Historijs nuper confectum ... cum privilegio Summi pontificis & Regis Galliae. Lugduni MDXLIIII
* 026.112.BRE.1597, Breviarium juxta ritum candissimi Ordinis praemonstratensis per fratrem Sebastianum Abaden, abbatem Lucensem ... Typis Lucensibus - MDxvCxii
* 264.11.MIS.1570, Missale, 1570
* 264.11.MIS.1582, Missale, 1582
* 026.112.BRE.1547, Breviarium, 1547
* 026.112.BRE.1598, Breviarium, 1582 (vols 1 & 2)

and more, mostly younger ones.


Last change: Thu 01 April 2004