LMLO search results:

This script searches the raw text of the LMLO database. Any occurence of the search phrase will be marked blue, be it in a chant text, a saints's name or elsewhere. Each table gives access to the corresponding office.

type of saintmartyrs
eccl. orderFranciscan
abbreviated feastname_Xx,mm5

name of feastMartyres quinque [n1]
X-code[XY81] (click here for the full office text)
[&] author of original[&] Ulric [see acrostic below]
incipit=VA1 virtus christi iam panditur =MR1 victores christi sangui- =LA1 beraldus fretus gracia
liturgical order of serviceV=A5E M=secular- {-R9} L=A5E W=E
summary of poetic analysisV=vivov.l M=v.vov{v3}v3{v,iv,v}v3{to,iv} L=vvivv.i W=.i [”]
general literaryacrostic in M=R: Ulricus
basic edition (usually AH)AH 28 #53
summary of original sources listed in AHsources: 1, Franciscan 1492

name of feastMartyres quinque [n2]
X-code[XY82] (click here for the full office text)
incipit=MI regem qui altat minores =MR1 ferventes ad martyrium
placenames in texts: geographyplacenames Hispalim, Marochium
liturgical order of serviceM=secular- {-R9}
summary of poetic analysisM=v.o3{o3}o3{o3}o3{o,o} [”]
basic edition (usually AH)AH 28 #54
summary of original sources listed in AHsources: 1, Franciscan 15th c.

name of feastMartyres quinque [n3]
X-code[XY83] (click here for the full office text)
incipit=VA1 torrentem per martyrium =MR1 quinaria familia =LA1 quinque fratrum martyria
placenames in texts: geographyplacenames Hispania, Sibilia, Sibilie, Marochium, Portugalensium, Colimbria, Agarena, Marochiana, Colimbriana, Portugalie, Marochiorum
liturgical order of serviceV=A5E M=secular L=A5E W=EE
summary of poetic analysisV=v5.v M=v.v3{v3}v3{v3}v3{vi,v,v} L=v5.o W=.fi [”]
basic edition (usually AH)AH 45 #87 p.209
summary of original sources listed in AHsources: 1, pr. 1531 St-Crux [Coimbra]