LMLO search results:

This script searches the raw text of the LMLO database. Any occurence of the search phrase will be marked blue, be it in a chant text, a saints's name or elsewhere. Each table gives access to the corresponding office.

name of feastELISABETH
death date of saintd. 1231
type of saintwidow
eccl. orderFranciscan
other bibliographyother bibl.: Barbara Haggh "Plainchant ... Cambrai". Prof. Haggh is writing a book principally concerned with offices EL61, EL63, EL65. She concludes that EL63 is the original, and EL61 a later office:
canonization datecan. 1235
general informationEL61 was probably replaced by EL63 at Cambrai in the 15th c., because the latter was by a local cleric. Cistercians had an office by 1236; Dominicans by 1243.
Kalendar dateNovember 19
place: locations of cult, foundations etc.cult: Hungary or Thuringia
date of transl., invention, etc., and places assoc. with relicstr. 1236 to Marburg
abbreviated feastname_Elsbt

name of feastElisabeth [n1]
X-codeEL61 (click here for the full office text)
modelled on, borrows fromrelated to EL65
[&] author of original[&] probably Peter of St-Aubert [OSA, chant] and Gerard of St-Quentin [OSB, text] [Haggh]
incipit=VA1 letare germania =MR1 de paupertatis palea =LA1 dominus elisabeth
placenames in texts: geographyplacenames Germania
liturgical order of serviceV=A5RE M=secular L=A5E W=E + V=R W=E
general liturgical informationsecular, ?monastic version probably original [Haggh]
summary of poetic analysisV=sv4{v}.v M=o.svv{ip,g,v}ggv{ls,o,iV}vvs{go,go,is} L=gpgvg.i W=.i V={ig} W=.i [”q]
music in generalindexed transcription
music: modal analysisV=12345{6}.5 M=4.123{1,3,3}456{5,6,6F6}781{7,8,5F5} L=45678.5 W=.4 V={8G} W=.6
basic edition (usually AH)AH 25 #90
other editionedition: Ranke [1883]
summary of original sources listed in AHsources: very numerous, * 13~16th c.
place: locations of cult, foundations etc.cult: Cambrai

name of feastElisabeth [n2]
X-codeEL62 (click here for the full office text)
incipit=VE ave mater pietatis =MR1 elisabeth que dicitur =LA1 christo regnanti
placenames in texts: geographyplacenames Hungarie
liturgical order of serviceV=E M=secular L=A5E W=E + M=A3
general liturgical informationsecular, with monastic version
summary of poetic analysisV=.v M=o.o3{o,o,ev}o3{o3}o3{o3} L=io4.v W=.o M=o3 [”]
basic edition (usually AH)AH 25 #91
summary of original sources listed in AHsources: 3, 14~16th c.

name of feastElisabeth [n3]
X-codeEL63 (click here for the full office text)
modelled on, borrows fromloosely based on Anthony [Haggh, citing Weis]
incipit=VA1 gaudeat hungaria =MR1 super regum schemata =LA1 tua testimonia
placenames in texts: geographyplacenames Hungaria, Thuringia, Hungarorum, Thuringorum, Marpurgo, Hungarie, Thusia
liturgical order of serviceV=A5RE M=secular.Q L=A5E W=E + M=R3
summary of poetic analysisV=sissf{vs}.s M=f.Tii{eg,vs,ig}sig{v,iv,nv}ssg{gv,g,g}`I' L=sgisi.i W=.I M={v,vo,v} [”]
eccl. order?Franciscan
music in generalindexed transcription
music: modal analysisV=12345{6c}.1 M=1.123{1,2,3}456c{4,5,6}781{7,8,1}`-' L=12345.7 W=.6c M={-}
basic edition (usually AH)AH 25 #92
summary of original sources listed in AHsources: 3, 15th c. [and the Cambrai manuscript :FCamM C 38, dated ca 1280: Haggh]

name of feastElisabeth [n4]
X-codeEL64 (click here for the full office text)
incipit=VA1 elisabeth de rege =MR1 elisabeth regina =LA1 induit decore
placenames in texts: geographyplacenames Hungarorum, Israelita, Hungaria, Hungaris
liturgical order of serviceV=A5RE M=secular L=A5E H=A4 W=A5E
summary of poetic analysisV=l3el{il}.i M=s.l3{lh,lT,el}vsi{iv,el,lh}eei{il,lh,lh} L=l5.l H=gleq W=il3o.l [”q]
basic edition (usually AH)AH 25 #93
summary of original sources listed in AHsources: 1, + 15th c., ?Switzerland

name of feastElisabeth [n5]
X-codeEL65 (click here for the full office text)
incipit=VR celi fulgens solio [Ms :GTS 1684 {395a}] =WQ florem mundus protulit [Ms :GKL Aug. perg. 60]
liturgical order of servicevarious
summary of poetic analysisV={ig} W=`i;V;i2'
eccl. orderBenedictine
music in general
[Ms source] :...Ms source various mss

name of feastElisabeth [n6]
X-codeEL66 (click here for the full office text)
incipit=MR3 gratulare de virga turea
placenames in texts: geographyplacenames Thuringia
liturgical order of serviceM=RR.ER
summary of poetic analysisM={i,o}.f{o} [”]
[Ms source] :...Ms source :AGU 29 & 30