Guido of Anderlecht

Born ca 950 in Brabant, died 12 September 1012 in Anderlecht and was buried in the Petrus- en Pauluskerk.

Feast: 12 September.

He was called 'the poor man of Anderlecht'; went on pelgrimages to Rome and Jerusalem, and finally became orderly in Brussel.

Patron of Anderlecht.


P. Lefèvre (p.245) mentions some chants voor Guido. These are part of an office, that is preserved in a 17th century transcription only. This transcription (incl. hymn En Guido Christi vernuli is now in the Aartsbissch. Archief Mechelen (in 'Doos V Anderlecht'). The text is edited by J. Lavalleye (see below).
P. Lefèvre noemt op p. 245 ant. Volens Dei emeritum, hym. En Guido, resp. Igitur venerabilis Guido, magn.ant. O gloriosum Xpisti confessorem Guidonem, en als ik goed begrijp, in de metten 1 nocturne voor Guido en verder voor Maria Nativ. Misschien zijn de 2e-vesper-ant. Dominum semper en Agmina sacra ook voor Guido


* Acta Sanctorum, Septembris tomus quartus, pp. 36-48
* J. Lavalleye: Notes sur le culte de saint Guidon à Anderlecht, in: Annales de la Société royale d'archéologie de Bruxelles, t. XXXVII, pp. 221 ff.
* De Loos: Saints in Brabant, pp. 12-14


Last change: Tue 01 January 2002