Anderlecht: Petrus- en Pauluskerk

Chapter church in Anderlecht, founded before 1015. Guido of Anderlecht was buried in the church and become more or less one of the patrons.


* Brussel, ARA, arch. eccl. 173, Ordinarius, edited by P. Lefèvre
* B-Br 5152, Missal, 14th-16th century
* B-Br II 2760 ( 4266, vol. VI), martyrologium
NAKIJKEN: voor in de ordinarius zitten liturgische voorschriften.

Besides a post-medieval transcription of the office for Guido of Anderlecht is preserved in the Archiepiscopal Archive Mechelen.

See also P. Lefèvre, p. XVI-XVIII.


* Lefèvre, Pl.F.: Les Ordinaires ... Louvain ... Anderlecht (1960)
* Haggh, B.: Music, liturgy and ceremony ..., pp. 35-41


Last change: Thu 19 December 2002