Arnulphus Villariensis

Arnulphus Villariensis or Arnulphus Cornibout; died 1228, feast: 30 June.
He converted to religious life after a wild period and became a cistercian monk in the abbey of Villers near Brussel (in the diocese of Cambrai).


An office (monastic cursus), incl 3 hymns, is found in B-Br II 1658, 13th century. These chants are ascribed to Goswin of Bossut, cantor of the abbey of Villers. For the hymns: AH 12, nrs. 143-145, for the poetic parts of the office: AH 25, nr. 39, and LMLO AR-61.


* Acta Sanctorum, Junii, tomus septimus, pp. 556-579: De B. Arnulfo Monacho Ordinis Cisterc. Villarii in Brabantia
* De Loos: Saints in Brabant, pp. 25-28, 37
Nakijken: B-Br II 562 ( 3279; v.d. Gheyn t. 5), fol. 63v-64: Hymnen en orationes de s. Arnulpho; 18e eeuw?


Last change: Tue 01 January 2002