London: British Library (GB-Lbl)


* GB-Lbl Add. 9769, Liber Ordinarius of the Mariakerk in Utrecht, ca 1425
* GB-Lbl 11862, 11th century graduale (?), Abdij van Park near Leuven (Borremans, pp. 9-10)
* GB-Lbl Add. 15426-15427, psalter-antiphoner in two volumes, Tongerlo Abbey, 1522
* GB-Lbl Add. 18031-32, noted missal, early 13th century, Stavelot Abbey
* GB-Lbl 24687, according to Le Graduel Critique (Les Sources): Graduel d'Utrecht; according to the Online catalogue of the British Library: Gradual of German use, with musical notes; Latin; 15th century
* GB-Lbl, Codex Cotton. Tiberius CXI, Annales from Adelbertusabdij in Egmond; some places with neumes


Last change: Sat 24 May 2003