NL-Uu 414 (V B 7)

Graduale (Cantatorium) Recollectorum Tungrensium, 15th century, for Franciscans (or Clarissen?). Square notation on red staves. Used by the Minderbroeders in Tongeren.


12r: Temporale Ad te levavi

117r: Sanctorale. 130r: De translatione b. Francisci conf. sicut in natali ... ; 130r: Antonius of Padua (?) presb & conf. (incl all. Antoni compar inclite); 148r: In festo s. Francisci, incl all. O patriarcharum pauperum (this chant is provided with two extra texts: O virgo clarens vespere preclara claris meritis and O bernardine dulciter ora pro nobis dominum) and all. Franciscus pauper et modicus.

155r: Commons

186v: Votive masses, commemorations for Mary and Franciscus.

188r: Ordinary chants

From 196r onwards second scribe: Sequitur supplementum communis et proprii sanctorum. Verses to the introits etc.; 211r: Mass for the dead; 217r: de s. Clara (all. O virgo clarens, same melody as f. 148r); 218r: Stigmata Francisci (incl all. Christo confixus sum).

220r: Incipits of sequences, a.o. Letabundus francisco and Surgit victor (this last one alternatim by choir and cantores).

225v: Tempore pestis: All. Sanabo populum meum.


Autopsy, May 2002
Last change: Wed 26 June 2002