NL-Hs 187 D 2

Capitulare, Commanderij Jan Baptist in Haarlem. 14th (15th?) century (?); sometimes small pieces of chant in Hufnagelschrift. Penwork in aubergine-style (fol. 8, 108r), exotic bird (fol. 111r).

Fol. 2: Calendar (basically the same as NL-Hs 184 C 8). Fol 8: Incipit capitulare ordinis beati Iohannis baptiste iherosolimitani, et domus sancti iohannis in Haerlem.


* Lijst van handschriften..., p. 5
* Nieuwstraten in: Middeleeuwse Handschriftenkunde, pp. 65-66 and 85-86 (incl. facs.)


Autopsy September 2001
Last change: Tue 03 September 2002